Friday, June 28, 2019

Puzzles, Puzzles & PUZZLES!

Oh my stinking heavens, for weeks now, I’ve been meaning to post this little tidbit about something that is ever-present in our casa these days, and it could not tickle me more.


We are puzzle cuh-razy ‘round these parts, these days!

Pieces, pieces, everywhere, and tiny humans crouched on floors assembling upstairs, downstairs, master bedroom, living room.

It’s the best.

And also, slightly bothersome (read: super duper annoying) to put away so many dang pieces on a near-daily basis—and keep the appropriate pieces with the appropriate puzzles!

Am I saying puzzles and pieces a lot??? It feels like I’m saying puzzle and pieces a lot. ;)


The kiddos have always enjoyed a good puzzle off and on throughout the years, but I feel like Little Man has been the one to spearhead this particular resurgence.

I think it began with this four-pack of really awesome Spider-Man themed puzzles he was gifted. 

I put each one in a separate canvas bag and kept them in different spots throughout the house for easy accessibility, and he just kept gravitating toward them over and over. :)

So we dove through our stockpile of larger Melissa & Doug puzzles in the game room closet and made it a point to assemble these giant ones on a regular basis to fan the flames.

But I feel like it was really around Easter that things kicked into high gear.

We got our hands on a few new puzzles...

And within a month—through glorious combined efforts of all grandparents and parents—we’d really hit the motherload with oodles of great little puzzle packs (so many on the cheap from Dollar stores!) and the flame burned brighter! Ha.

Now. It is absolutely impossible to walk anywhere without stepping across one—or ten!—in progress or already assembled, hehe.

I finally busted out a big sterilize container to organize them and at least kee them put away overnight. And it’s usually the first thing Little Man goes for in the morning around breakfast time. :). 

(This was the smaller container before I had to get an even bigger one, ha).

It’s seriously so hard to get annoyed by the clutter when it’s such a wonderful and brainy activity for my babies. And it’s certainly been a great, low-key bit of busyness while we’ve been sick.

I actually love love to help out. And Daddy gets pulled in as a worker bee, too. ;)

As with the awesome superhero enthusiasm around the casa, I hope this phase hangs around for a long time.

Yay, puzzles for the win!

Over and out.

P.S. We’ve totally done everything in our power to load puzzle games onto the kiddos’ iPads, too. Whatever we can do make those electronics educational, ha.

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