Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Tuesday (But Really, Monday) DO Day: Aquatica!

Okay, peeps.

I think it says bunches and oats about the state of our life (free-wheeling at its best, but also, by force, ha) that the day before leaving for a summer vacay, we decided to go to Sea World, ha.

I mean, I feel like just a year or so ago, we might have been like: huh, perhaps not the best to shove that into the 24 hours before our departure. But now, we’re like: yaaaaas, let’s do it while we can! Ha.

Part of our whole life-has-really-kicked-us-in-the-nuts-this-year-so-we’ll-take-the-fun-when-we-can-get-it mode, ha.

(And on that note, stay tuned in a future post about my car pain. And by pain, I mean PAIN.)

In all seriousness, we tried to do this fun Aquatica (the water park at Sea World) outing days ago, for Chica’s birthday celebration. But we were foiled for days due to fever and sick ick, and then days due to rain. So when yesterday dawned all sunny and happy, we just went for it. Woohoo!

And the kiddos, they were a-pumped. And so much healthier-looking. Whew. :)

I love how it was so steamy outside that my phone camera even fogged up for this pic, hehe:

Now, we’ve definitely been to Sea World since moving (one of the major positive bits about the city), but this was our first time to enjoy the separate water park. And, man, was it fun.

Though to be honest—I feel like we barely scratched the surface, because we only had about a 2.5 hour window of time.

We enjoyed the wave pool a bunch, a couple of the smaller kiddo areas with manageable slides and water features and what not. And then we had a blast on one giant, kinda scary family tube ride that really was awesomesauce—but required a decent chunk of time (35 minutes or so) in line.

So I feel like this was a taster trip for oodles of future ones (hello, happy season passes!). And now we know it might be a good idea to purchase the Fast Passes for rides. ;)

So glad we were able to fit this in on a sunny day, though. Definitely made for some happy kiddos.

And now...we’re off on a summer adventure in HOTLANTA.

Much more on that in coming days.

Yay, JULY!

Over and out.

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