Wednesday, June 5, 2019

End of School Year Eve—2019!

You see this adorable cutie pie right here???

She is SO ready for the end of the school year—tomorrow! Woohoo!!

And we celebrated by having a little after school splash today that was just glorious. :)

Especially since we were supposed to be in the pool yesterday evening for our first swim lessons, but this was the weather map about an hour or so before go-time. :(

Needless to say, no lesson for us. Boooo.

But some splashy fun today to make up for it—and make my kiddos extra-tired for bed (but not so tired that Chicklet couldn’t swing from the playroom curtains and pull the curtain bracket clean from the wall. Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhh [and other four letter words]).

My babies were pretty happy for the pool time. Chica wrote this after dinner, hehe:

I wonder how long it was remain a novelty. It’ll be a sad day when they’re just meh about swimming out there, so here’s hoping the disenfranchisement holds off for awhile, ha. 

In other fun and totally random news...we busted Daddy out of work today! We were headed to IKEA (oye) around 11 a.m., and just happened to be headed by his office en route, so we harassed him until he bailed on work and came with us (after a business trip earlier this week, it didn’t take much harassing). 

Playing hooky—and riding on IKEA carts (dollies?)—is super fun and always a good idea.

And lastly, for this random random post: I got m’soil for my retaining wall bed in the back. Woohoo!

When we moved in, there were overgrown shrubs here that got the heave-ho, as they covered up the lovely pool view from the living and breakfast areas inside. I’ve been clearing out remnants and prepping it for some fun planting. I think it shall be all loosey-goosey, nothing too structured. Just lots of fun things that strike our fancy. :)

SO READY for the end of this school year and a change-up of routine!

Just remind me of said readiness when I’m pulling my hair out about a week from now. ;)

Happy Hump Day (that really feels like Thursday), peeps.

Over and out.

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