Monday, July 22, 2019

Kittens & Pups Project

Wohoo!!! Double post night! Crazy!

Mostly because this is an easy one that requires no explanation.

We just happened to do a super-fun little project a couple days ago that the kiddos were so adorably in to that they went back to it a second day, when we still had some materials left for more!

I love it when we hit the jackpot of an easy, cute project that holds their interest and makes them happy. 

And I especially love that we had no plans to do this one on this day. We’d just done the Spirograph and Lite Brite the day before, so projects were on their little brains and Chicklet begged for another one.

Just goes to show...projects beget projects, and I lurv it.


(This one was a Hobby Lobby one, FYI.)

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