Thursday, August 29, 2019

All The Emotions

So...we’re nearly two weeks in now, which means we’re moving past the Impact Stage of the new school year, and transitioning straight into The Rainbow Stage.

As in, All The Emotional Colors Of The Rainbow, ha

(One of these days, I shall make a short-hand chart of these stages, so we can quickly refer to them, year after year after year, ;)

My babies, they are a bit tired. And overstimulated. And navigating new social interaction. And Chicklet is slightly sick. And it’s super hot (which equals extra exhaustion during recess), so...yeah. Emotions. We’ve got lots o’ them flying ‘round our casa.

Totally expected. Nothin’ we haven’t faced before. We’ll remain in this stage for a few weeks to come, before we settle in for the long haul of the Fall. :) And...the grrrrreat news is that we have a long weekend ahead of us to charge up a bit. Because I have no pictures of my kiddos in inopportune moments of exhaustion-ridden meltdowns, I shall post pictures of...well, pictures. With all the colors of the rainbow.

(You dig how I brought that full circle, right? ;)

I actually had a blast analyzing their pictures and marinating in the stages of creativity each of them are in at the moment. I love how it takes so little to fan the flame of their little artistic brains.

For example...I love to do a bit of ombré coloring when I’m sitting at the table with them to keep myself entertained. So here’s mine that I was working on:

And Chicklet is such a beautiful little observer right now, that she noticed that technique and ran with it. I helped with one section of hers, and then she took over and rocked the rest. :)

Then my Little Man started knocking my socks off with his precision. He’s all about really saturated color (pressing down really hard when he draws, hehe) these days, and really working hard to stay in the lines. He’s slaying it.

And his little tongue when he concentrates just kills me. I mean...I die. I took a video of it the other day and it’s just hilarious preciousness. :)

And then my Chica was all about freehand drawing of a subject she knows quite well—animals!

This particular day (a week or so ago) was a really lovely hour of coloring, since I feel like we haven’t collectively done as much of it lately (well, we actually have, just sort of in a rotation). Too often, there’s not a consensus among all four of us regarding what to play or do, which leads to more freestyle chaotic play. So this was a particularly happy time of peace and creativity and all of us sitting down together. :)

Before all the emotions struck, of course, hehe.

Happy Amost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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