Monday, August 19, 2019

First Day of School—2019!

Oh. My. Heavens.

The day has finally arrived!

And I say “finally” because I was sooooo not ready for the longest time, and then last week, all of a sudden I was like: let’s do this, already! Enough anticipation. Let’s just dive in! And I’m pretty sure my kiddos felt the same way, ha. (Well...maybe not Chica.)

Now, a reminder: Little Man doesn’t start preschool for two more weeks (thank heavens, as I was so not ready to be alone quite yet, today!) But he woke when he heard me getting the girlies ready, and decided to join the drop-off fun—in his pajamas, upon his request. ;)

So...this little lady o’ mine woke without any hesitation. Like, immediately flung herself upright when I snuggled in her bed and said: “oh, that’s right, it’s school!” And then tried to convince me not to fix her hair because she just wanted to go, go, go. :)

And speaking of hair...she still has so many adorable little wispies at the front that I really debated how to fix it to keep it out of her way for a full day. In the end, due to the HEAT, I went with the braid she’s been requesting of late, but also slicked the front back a bit with some of Little Man’s hair gel, ha.

It always hurts my heart to see them looking fresh and different for a school year. Like they’re growing foreign right before my eyes! But I loved that she asked to wear her new, reversible sequins heart dress. And then turned me into a puddle of goo when she asked to wear her locket, because it has sibling pics inside and she wanted to be able to look at them. :)

And new, light-up shoes. Woohoo. :)

Now, Chica on the other hand...

She sent me away when I tried to wake her first, ha. So I went to Chicklet and then back to Chica, who eventually grunted her way through getting dressed. Have I mentioned she’s not a morning person??? ;)

And where Chicklet wanted to wear something new, Chica requested one of her comfortable, older favorites—and even favored her old, worn shoes instead of her brand new ones. Seeking comfort in familiarity and routine, perhaps??? Whatever the case...she was adorable, and hopefully felt confident, and that’s all that matters! (Side note: she posed in the new shoes, and then changed after, ha.)

See...shoe change for car loading!

On this first day only, we were allowed to walk the kiddos in the building, and it’s always a crazy, chaotic, entertaining time. :)

The kindergarteners gather in a holding room not too far inside the building, and then their teachers collect them and walk them all the way to their room after the first bell each day. So we stayed—along with hoards of other parents—to watch this adorable procession and document every step, ha.

Playing with her sequins, hehe...

And directing traffic, ha.

She was so not worried about our departure. In fact, I think her words were “see ya!” 

So after checking on Chica—who looked slightly anxious and wide-eyed, but not too bad—one last time in her second grade gathering area (but not taking pics so I wouldn’t embarrass her), we headed off! And found Groot on our way. ;)

And then, with Daddy diverting off to work...there were two.

My littlest buddy is so ready for his dang big-boy car seat (40 pounds, 4 years; he’s got the weight and heaven knows the height, he’s just a few weeks shy of his birthday!) that he wasted no time conning me into a short spell in Chica’s car seat while he had the chance, ha. Can’t blame him. He’s a giant!

We ran an errand, had some lunch, and then happened upon some accidental yard excavating. The first of many many days of yard work to come (more on that later).

So all in all...a pretty good kickoff, though I’m typing this before I pick them up.’s hoping for happy faces on the flip side!

More later.

Over and out. 

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