Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Girlies’ SA Bathroom!


Double post day!

In the afternoon, no less! (I usually post at night.)

All due to our lazy, we-don’t-care-how-much-TV-we-watch-when-the-school-year-is-LOOMING-day! (Jazz hands.)

So...in my previous post, I mentioned that I’ve recently been trying to remember what before/after areas I’ve catalogued within the house, and I know I shared Little Man’s rockin’, masculine bathroom, but I haven’t shared pics of the girlies’.

Unfortunately, I don’t have great before pics, and seeing as it’s one looooong, narrow bathroom that connects their bedrooms (with vanities and linen cabinets on either end, and the tub and commode in the center) it’s a toughie space to snap pics in, because, helloooo, NO natural light!

Alas, I did my best!

So...heeeeere you go, with some commentary to come!

Okay...some context. So here’s the door that leads to the bathroom through Chica’s room. And it goes straight through to Chicklet’s. And that’s been a super fun thing for them to be able to flit between one another’s rooms (especially when they wake in the morning and aren’t allowed to roam the house). But the narrow confines of this bathroom truly make it the trickiest we’ve had to deal with!

First off: with such small quarters to work within, we really tried to make the most of each area, with little punches, design-wise. 

The space for each of their vanities was (is!) just so compact, and the existing cabinets were just, pretty bland, and there was—gasp—carpet in the bathroom. Which, again, is totally common for houses of this age, but not at all functional, given our ability to change it, especially with newly potty-trained and messy humans in the house!

So...we started from scratch.

And we selected these lovely—and rather inexpensive, honestly—vanities that were within the same family as all the other vanities in the house (I’m such a lover of consistency), but with some feminine class to them. :)

And with such a compact space for each vanity (have I mentioned the compactness???), I really wanted an extra something, so I talked the hubby into this lovely pearl, opal-like backsplace, for above the vanities, behind the mirrors.

And then chose a mirror that had just a small mounted area on either side, but didn’t sit on the wall, so you could see that beautiful tile (and the mirror tilts, for small humans to see better, hehe).

And fun, feminine lighting fixtures...

And then this blush tile for the bath tub that completed the feminine (but not girly) vibe. 

I think this was the very first tile (well—this and the accent tile in the living room niches) to be installed in the house during the renovation, and I just about passed out of joy to see any change at all, ha.

It all came together in the loveliest way—and helps to make a really confined space quite simple and non-cluttered.

So this is Chica’s vanity (purple art work)...

And Chicklet’s (pink)...

I’m grateful that it all worked out and had been a functional space for us—and our main bath time area!

Yay, for happy bathrooms (that are narrow and hard to photograph, ha).

Over and out.

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