Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Digging & Bouncing

Holy goodness, when I sat down to type this here post a few minutes ago, I was super-duper cranky due to a slew of evening chores that sucked the ever-loving life out of me, and a new ceiling leak that we discovered a couple of hours ago—that will mark our FIFTH leak in SIX months, and I just cannot.


But all that is blah, blah, nobody cares, blah. And I’m thrilled to report that sorting through pictures of our shenanigans today (pre chores and leak and crankiness) totally brought me back to the good place.

Because it’s been a packed few days, but a fun few days, with some lively projects thrown in to really enjoy some quality shake-up time.

Today’s MAJOR project success was such a simple, little thing that I’ve had on hand for more than a year, and it just happened to be the perfect day for it. :)

Here’s a spoiler pic of the cuteness...

Now some background: Little Man has been my constant yard work companion, and often picks up rocks and hauls them around, pretending they’re dinosaur eggs.

Well, lo and behold—I totally bought a project ages ago that would give him the “real” deal! I just had to find it amongst the craft closet craziness (one of the final areas post-move that’s just not happily organized yet.

So, heeeeere it was:

And he was thrilled to bits and pieces and bits when I told him I’d finally located it, and then raced to get dressed and get outside. :)

It was an easy breezy (if messy) process of soaking the “eggs” in water for five minutes to soften them before excavating the dinosaur inside. And he was in heaven.

Like, seriously one happy dude to be handed (kiddo) tools, something he could smash and dig into and destroy and make a mess on purpose. :) And—bonus—end up with lots of little dinosaur toys!

Hilariously, one of his favorite parts of he process was “bathing” the dinosaurs after they were hatched, hehe. He was very meticulous about getting them clean, and they even took a shower later, with soap and all, hehe.

I mean, don’t you just wanna smoosh this face????

I was so happy to have a home run project with my buddy today for some special time, as he had a very sad drop-off at preschool yesterday, so we’ve officially entered the separation anxiety school phase (but more on that in another post).

In total, I let him excavate about seven or eight, and saved the rest for the girlies after school. And the project was another major success with them the second time over—woohoo!

When we talked about our favorite parts of the day at the dinner table (something we always do), Chica listed a slew of happy favorites, but said the dinosaur eggs was her “favorite favorite” and Chicklet concurred. ;)

Love these goofballs.

And...I love that I finally busted out something today that we’ve been sorely missing since the move: our good friend, The Bouncy House!

I mean...I earned major Mama brownie points today, hehe. And they only beat each other up moderately. ;)

This bouncy house bust-out is yet another way I’m trying to bond with our new playroom. I haven’t discussed this much on the blog, but there aren’t many areas of the new home that I haven’t been able to get to a happy place, but the playroom is SO one of them.

In McKinney, we pretty much had playroom perfection. It was glorious, in a perfection location, a giant space, and just, well, one of our favorite areas of the house.

But this playroom, I just don’t love.

I have oodles of ideas of things I might do to force the love. I could really make it a coolio and functional space, but all my ideas cost money I don’t want to spend at the moment, so...I’m biding my time and trying to force a connection with happy memories like bouncy houses, ha.

So...all in all, chores and leaks aside, it was a pretty rock-awesome afternoon with my crazies that included delivery pizza in the dining room (a new-ish tradition they hilarious love and ask for, hehe).

After these three days of high-packed scheduled and activities, I’m hoping for less insanity maƱana, long as it’s happy insanity, I’ll survive. ;)

Happy Hump day, peeps!

Over and out.

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