Thursday, September 19, 2019

“I Can’t Adult Today”, at Little Man’s preschool pickup, I saw a woman wearing a shirt that said, “I Can’t Adult Today.” And never in my life has a piece of clothing spoken to me so loudly, ha.

I almost tackled her to the ground to steal the shirt for myself, but at the last minute, decided it would be frowned upon in front of dozens of toddlers. ;)

Oye, oye, oye.

Now let’s summarize the events that led to my general lack of adult-ing motivation. (But really, upon brief reflection, it’s not events so much as a single word: GERMS.)

Now, get ready for a really long, obnoxious, run-on paragraph:

As you know, Little Man was in the hospital two weeks ago with croup. I fell ill shortly thereafter. Chica bit the dust next, and has spent so many consecutive days with congestion and gunk that she brought her own Kleenex boxes to school for her desk. Chicklet fell ill next, and kept us up all night before inaugural soccer day. Then Little Man spiked another fever. Daddy was in the doctor’s office yesterday getting a steroid shot because he’d gone downhill so quickly that his ears were bulging with fluid. Hours later, the nurse called on behalf of Chica, who was having tummy troubles at school. Then Chicklet began a fun day of what appears to be diarrhea. And...I feel like scum that’s been run over by a truck many, many times over.



I mean...seriously. We can’t win for losing.’s just depressing to talk about, and nobody wants to hear the whining. So I’m just going to talk about the major upsides in the day.

M’kay??? M’kay.

So...I knew last night that my eldest was just wildly rundown and needed to take a day at home to recuperate. But the other two woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, so I let them go to school.

Which meant a day (or at least a few hours in between drop-offs and pick-ups) for my firstborn and I.

And—praise the heavens—my decision to keep her home was totally justified when my girl naturally slept nearly two extra hours before wandering downstairs just in time for Little Man’s preschool drop-off. Yay, for restorative sleep! :)

Though Little Man is still with me several weekdays, it’s not often that I get quality alone time with either of my beloved girlies. So we totally made the most of the unexpected time.

And the highlight of that time hands-down was finishing up Harry Potter—and doing so in spectacularly animated, loud fashion, which is something we can’t usually pull off at bedtime when we’re trying to calm the whole household down to fall to sleep.

It was so, so wonderful.

And for a few weeks of reading now, my girlie has been dying for some plot line answers (she’s been keeping a running tally) and finally got them.

Her face when her biggest curiosity question was answered (who gave Harry the Cloak of Invisibility???) was priceless. Especially since she’d guessed correctly, long ago. I mean, I’ll remember that face always. That, and several awesomesauce shock and awe faces as other plot points played out (He knew Harry had the stone in his pocket??? How did he know???!).

I mean...I die.

So...between Harry milestone awesomeness and quality conversations and play and rest and board games, my girlie felt pretty loved up and hopefully, rested up.

And, ironically, I had some beautiful, wonderful alone time with each of my others babies, too.

Since I was waking Chicklet up on her own to go to school, we got extra snuggles and chatting and loving time before school, just the two of us. And then after Chicklet was at school, while Chica was still sleeping, Little Man and I had some happy, beautiful play time together with some hilarious Halloween decorations.

So on a day when I really didn’t feel like adulting, I actually pulled off more of it—and of much higher quality—than most days, ha.

Which is why I totally and completely felt 100% okay with phoning the parenting in around 4 p.m., when we all piled in our master bed, and just snuggled and zoned out. :) 

I even sent the hubby a text that went something like: “Help us. I’ve already cooked all the meals we had for the week and we have no food and no willpower to do anything.”

And he saved us with pizza. :)

Thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY, peeps.

Over and out. 

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