Friday, September 6, 2019

Little Man’s First Day Of Preschool!

Oh my goodness, peeps.

MILESTONE DAY ‘round our parts!

Milestone day, I tell ya’.

Yesterday, my youngest baby, the third of my crazy gaggle of kiddos, the tiny dude I love so much, started preschool!

(I mean, could he be any cuter???)

And, yeah, sure, he was late to the party after that whole unplanned croup/hospital hoopla (minor, insignificant detail—not) earlier this week, but...he recovered as quickly as the heinousness set in, and was good to go by Thursday!

And, naturally, it all worked out for the best, since he kicked off preschool life on the same day as another tiny little royal. ;)

Now, I’m not gonna lie, I was a little broody after his drop off (understatement, overstatement...I’m not sure, ha). I mean, it’s such a strange thing for this preschool business to seem easier with each kiddo—and yet, I don’t think it actually is.

I think it’s just that everyone has better expectations. I certainly know what it’s like to go through this transition and eventually adjust to the new normal, and Little Man certainly understands the dynamic of a school day, in that he goes, he plays, he learns, and Mama always comes back for him—just like he’s witnessed for years now with his sissies.

That said...I think there’s still the same level of mental transition and acceptance to sort through—and this one will absolutely be a game changer for me once life settles down a bit, as it will give me my first little bits of ALONE time in years.

Alas...I have a few weeks of insane house projects I’ve piled up to knock through (I’m in a never-ending cycle of pain—of my own making I might add, haha) so I think it might be a while before I really get in a groove and marinate in these new normal vibes.

But, it helped to keep my mind and my hands busy with the front door painting I tackled (more on this and other projects soon) while my baby was at school. :)


After (Woohoo!):

My little dude came out of class smiling and pretty normal—slightly chatty, but also a little tired (expected!)—and seemed pretty, well, nonplussed about the whole transition. ;) Oh, and Thursdays are apparently sucker days, when they leave. Woohoo!

And then he got a major, unintended, first day of preschool prize when the green light saber he’s been begging for arrived via Amazon right after dinner. :) That dude totally shot up off the couch and ran to the door as soon as he heard the delivery man ring the doorbell, hehe.

So...all in all, a slightly weird week with the hospital yuck and being thrown off our schedule game, regarding that major first day that was set for Tuesday. BUT...we rallied, everyone’s health is better, and all good things happen in their own time, amiright?

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out.

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