Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Ready or Not!

Okay, peeps.


Today was supposed to be a major milestone.

And not just because it marked the unofficial first day of Fall, post-Labor Day and all. But, also, because my Little Man was supposed to have his very first day of preschool today—and yours truly, was thereby, supposed to have her very first day of no kiddos for a handful of hours. Big stuff, big stuff.

Don’t you just love best laid plans????

So, there I was yesterday, out by the pool in the afternoon with the hubby and our crazy trio, marking the holiday with some swim fun. (For the record, we gave the kiddos the option of Sea World, or backyard swimming, and they chose...backyard swimming! Hahaha.).

I took this silly selfie in honor of these fun, $14 sunglasses I bought months ago, and then promptly forgot about, and busted out for good times and happy smiles—and because it was my birthday weekend, and I was feelin’ pretty hopeful that this next year would be full of loads more ups than downs!

And then...a handful of hours later, I was in the hospital with Little Man, who decided to ring in the unofficial start of Fall with...CROUP! Gah!!!


So let’s rewind.

I’ve written many posts about our Adventures With Croup, and they generally go something like this: “Croup is crap.” And I’m firmly standing by that opinion.

About a year ago, Little Man went through four official rounds of Croup, and it was our first time dealing with said yuckiness, and it’s just scary how quickly it goes from zero to no bueno in mere hours. Since it generally affects younger kiddos, I thought we might be in the clear at this point.


Yesterday during pool time, Little Man started sounding hoarse and congested, and the hubby and I looked at each other and basically said: “surely not.”

And then by bedtime, he was emotional, but no worse.

Fast forward to 11 p.m., when he woke crying with evidently labored breathing and the hallmark Croup “strider”—which is this raspy, pulling, labored breathing.

And...to the hospital we went.

This ain’t our first rodeo.

We know the drill.

They had to administer the breathing treatment that requires a few hours of observation, as well as the super fun steroid, that turns my Little Man into a bundle of emotional “joy,” ifyouknowwhatimean. Oye.

We rolled back home to the silence of the hubby and sleeping girlies around 2:30 a.m., so my wake-up call less than four hours later to get the older two to school was, shall we say, unpleasant. 

And...no first day of preschool for Little Man. :(

I mean...the lengths he’ll go to in order to get an extra day or two home with Mama, haha.

Deep sigh.

Best laid plans, yes???

I mean, only our household can make it TWO WEEKS into the new school year before hospitalization is required, baha. Good times, good times.

So...so long, Summer, and here we go, Fall. 

Germs notwithstanding, it truly is my favorite time of year, and I’m so glad to see it looming.

Which means it’s time to do a Summer retrospective of all the highs, lows (and we’ve had a lot o’ both!) and everything in between for this Summer of 2019!

So, heeeeere we go!

2019 was the Summer of...

Horseback riding and the launch of Tuesday DO-Days! The Doseum, The Riverwalk, The Alamo, Six Flags/Fiesta Texas, and Sea World Aquatica (man, we hit a lot of the San Antonio high points, eh???). The Summer of backyard swimming and lessons with Miss Lucy. The Summer of Harry Potter and Descendants 3.

The Summer of the girlies first VBS experience (with rave reviews!), and the Summer my eldest baby turned SEVEN with a Wild Kratts bday theme—whilst sick, no less—on the very same day my car was officially totaled by insurance, marking one of the lowest emotional points of this whole life shake-up of ours.

It was the Summer of HOTLANTA and older bro’s Peachtree Road Race, and sweating, sweating, sweating! But, holy goodness, Lake Oconee and the gloriousness of one of my favorite family vacays truly refilled our gratitude cups, and stamped so many images in our brains (the inflatable lake slides, the illusion-edged pool right off the lake water, and the pine trees everywhere!), before returning to...

The hell of LICE!

I mean...let’s just pause for a moment of silence in honor of our scalps, and the service of my washer and dryer. Amen.

Post HOTLANTA, and post LICE, our highlight was grandparent time in Tulsa, fun diversions in Pawhuska (where were you, bison??), the joy of managing the road trip there and back without too much pain...and then settling in for the laziest of all lazy two final weeks of Summer, before launching into a new SCHOOL YEAR, and my beloved Chicklet’s first day of kindergarten!

I mean...as a paraphrased version of the saying goes: the days are long, but the Summer is fast! And that’s truly how it felt.

It was officially our Bubble Summer of hunkering down and befriending—and putting back together (hello, lingering kitchen finally being completed)—this renovated house of ours and the city that is now home.

But all things considered—changes and challenges and emotions all accounted for—I think we did it up right. 

And I’m soooooo looking forward to the highs this Fall will hopefully bring (unless we’re talking about temperatures, and then I want LOWS, puh-lease!).

Okay...now for some of favorite pics of the Summer. :)

I mean...if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a gazillion times: if there’s one thing this blog is brilliant for, it’s reminding me of all the little moments that add up to big experiences, day by day. :) For these pics—and the thousand others I’ve catalogued over this summer—I’m so very grateful.

Summer, we heart you.

And, Fall...BRING IT ON.

Over and out. :)

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