Monday, September 16, 2019

My Chicklet And Her Kindergarten Awesomeness

Okay, m’peeps.

I think it’s time for a random of all randomness post that doesn’t involve a specific milestone or event. Just some fan-freaking-tastic, hilarious tidbits that I hope I never forget.

Tonight’s subject matter:

My Chicklet.

And her gloriousness.

And the way she’s just rocking her kindergarten transition, in that she’s just cool as a cucumber whilst simultaneously enthusiastic about it all, and I could not lurv her more.

First up: her hot mess-ness.

You know those before/after pics of kiddos on their first day of school who just look like they’ve been put through the ringer by the time they’re done for the day???

Well, my girlie looks like that pretty much every day—but she’s usually sporting a giant smile, ha.

I mean, I send her to school in the morning with a tidy French braid, and she usually comes home with half of it in her face.

One day, it was completely down, and her hair band was nowhere in sight, and I said, “what happened to your hair, sweetie pea?” And she gave me this blank look like, “huh??” And when I kindly pointed out that her hair was down and all up in her face, she said, “It is?? Nu-uh!” and leaned to look in the rear view mirror like, well whaddya know. Ha.

Next: she’s full of adventure and curiosity.

Today, while she was digging a hole in the center of her snow cone after school, she told me that she dug a hole during recess. And I asked her if she used her hands or sticks and she reported that her tool of choice was rocks, and that she could fit herself in this hole she dug. Bahaha. Apparently, upon discovery, a concerned teacher filled back in the hole. Ha.

Next: it’s the little things that light up her life.

On the day they were allowed to bring a few quarters or what not to school, so they could buy something for “spirit day,” she almost didn’t sleep through the night, she was so pumped. And reminded me to send her money—that she called “tickets” since she was born in 2014 and has no idea what cash money is—no less than a dozen times. This finger puppet thingy was her prize of choice. :)

Next up: she’s full-on paying attention in the best way. But with flair.

The child who has driven me to the brink of insanity with her unwillingness to practice her letters, numbers, or pretty much anything is now soaking it all in, like you wouldn’t believe.

She comes home telling me about the five senses, and about stories they’ve read, and songs they’ve learned and listening devices to keep those cutie pies quiet in class.

And, yeah, sure, she might have turned her lowercase “g”s into a family of smiling letter/stick figures while doing her homework, but still. She’s doing it, ha.

Next: she’s a sneaky squirreler away of things.

She was on this kick of only wanting to wear things with pockets to school, and I eventually discovered it was because she (my born collector of things) was squirreling away tiny toys in her pockets to bring to school, ha.

Luckily—or unluckily—she lost one on the playground the other day and is now less enthusiastic about her contraband. ;)

And, lastly—and this one is so NOT a positive—my girlie is that child who has had not one but two potty incidents at school (after years of not having any!) because she’s just too busy to be bothered with things like bathroom breaks unless I drill, drill, drill it into her adorable little brain that she HAS TO.

Blessedly, she has the most kind, wonderful teacher ever, who has been a champ during these incidents. And, double blessedly, my girlie doesn’t seem to be fazed, at all. Her cavalier response: “it doesn’t care.” Like...chill, Mama, it’s all good.

And then I go pull all my hair out in a corner somewhere because I’m that mother, wearing the scarlet letter “P” on my chest because my kiddo needs that change of underwear that all kindergartners are required to have in their backpacks! Gahhhhh!

Oh least she’s not being scarred for life.

Only I am.

Dang, do I LOVE this maddening, brilliant, curious, fun-loving, amazing kiddo, and I could NOT be more proud of how she’s just jumped in feet first into elementary school life.

Over and out.

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