Sunday, September 8, 2019

Pool Party!

So...I lurv, lurv, lurv that our kiddos never really ask if they can swim in the backyard. Instead, they always ask if they can have a pool party, hehe. And I totally dig their enthusiasm and elevation of something simple into something with some flair, ha.

And I also lurv, lurv, lurv that it’s sort of become our unofficial routine to have a Sunday evening pool party—such a welcome close-out to the weekend, and what is typically a fairly busy Sunday with church and grocery shopping and general regrouping for the week ahead.

My babies, they are a-happy in the water. :)

This living in a house with a pool business is certainly something the hubby and I never planned on, but it’s been a lovely way to enjoy some family togetherness in the fresh air—but in the water, so no sweating, hehe. :)

Love these smiles...

And I love the amazing water confidence and skills they gained through their Summer swim lessons. Water safety is a may-jah deal for me, and I’m so pleased to see how strong they are becoming. My little fishes. :)

And fishes who didn’t mind the random rainstorm we had while we were out there! Totally out-of-the-blue, but a really fun thing to be outside, enjoying some unexpected rain without worrying about getting drenched. A cool little diversion, for sure.

Happy Sunday, peeps.

Over and out.

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