Sunday, October 27, 2019

Chicklet’s Storybook Pumpkin!

Okay, peeps.

Am I the only one who’s kinda freaking out, because Halloween will be here in just four more sleeps, and then we’ve already said buh-bye to the first of the glorious trifecta of the holiday season????

I can this be happening already??

I seriously think I hit my peak joy a few days ago,
when I knew the fun was all ahead of us, but now...I’m starting get a small case of the blues and grasp at spooky straws!! Don’t come and go so soon, Halloween! Just DON’T.


That said.

We have such a fun week ahead, and I have oodles of little October/Halloween things to post retroactively on this here blog. But I just gotta start with current and work my way back to things I’ve missed so I don’t get overwhelmed!’s little project:

Chicklet’s Storybook Pumpkin for school!

Her assignment was to think of one of her favorite books and create a pumpkin character based on it. :) 

One of her favorite children’s book series has always been The Pout-Pout Fish, and she’s always adored the beautiful and kind Miss Shimmer (helloooo, she’s purply and sparkly!). So it was easy-breezy giving her a few choices and predicting what she’d land on.


Oh, and for anyone who isn’t familiar with the book, here’s a little snapshot of Miss Shimmer, below (right):

And heeeeere’s the finished product! (The pic of Chicklet above was before she decided we wisely needed ocean and jewels for “shells,” hehe. I love her little creative brain.)

We starting this morning before church with painting the pumpkin a pale purple so it would have time to dry a few hours before we needed to finish things up.

And here it was, after Miss Shimmer was basically complete.

But then came the flair of eyelashes, ocean and jewels...and then we were complete. :)

I wish I could be a fly on the wall and see the “Storybook Walk” the little kindergartners are having on Wednesday to show their pumpkins off. I might get to see a few on Thursday, when I’ll be there for some festive fun. :)

And speaking of other pumpkin fun...Little Man painted his own little pumpkin last week, after loving this kit he found in Tar-jay, hehe.

Superhero pumpkin?? Why, of course. :)

Same as Chicklet, we painted one morning and let things dry until late afternoon. But we still had a major moment of panic when he showed off his finished pumpkin to his sissies when they got home from school...and proceeded to leverage the pumpkin on the couch cushion when the blue paint wasn’t totally dry!

Mama was shrieking and running for the stain remover, and bless the fabric protection on the couch, because I got it all out. Whew!

I mean...I like his little pumpkin, but I did not want to be reminded of it every day, every time I sat on a blue-stained couch cushion! Ha.

So...yay, for fun painted pumpkins! (And don’t worry, Chica has had her fair share of crafty painting this season, too.)

More fun catch-up posts as time allows!

Over and out.

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