Friday, November 22, 2019

Chicklet’s Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast!

Oh my heavens, we wrapped up our school week and launched into this Thanksgiving holiday in the best possible way.

In kindergarten, at Chicklet’s school, they get to have a little feast. Each student brings a pre-approved food item, they have the option of crafting a Native American shirt to wear (which we totally did and had a blast doing it over the past few days), and they dive into all sorts of kid-loved goodies like cookies and pretzels and goldfish and graham crackers (minimal carbs, maximum nutrition, amiright?), and there are lots o’ smiles.

And I was totally one of those smiling fools today, because Chicklet’s teacher reached out yesterday with a request for help, and I was so there!

As I’ve mentioned on this here blog, I’ve been trying my darnedest to feel all the warm fuzzies I felt with our previous school, despite some more limiting guidelines and restrictions regarding volunteering and general participation. And this totally felt like a gift from God. A little nugget of a memory in the making that I hadn’t expected.

Yet another reason to really feel the gratitude this particular November.

In general, I find it to be absolutely priceless to spend any time in the classroom with my kiddos and their classmates.

Not only does it give you a peek behind the curtain, a chance to scout out the kiddos, and some face time and convo with the teacher, but it’s just the best sort of love fest—going both ways—to be in there with one of my kiddos, who is always so. Dang. Happy. To have me there. :)

Already, I’m seeing how these parents-in-the-classroom opportunities are so short lived (I haven’t had any chances with Chica in her 2nd grade class, and she’s actually been so sad about it) so I am going to continue to soak it up as much as humanly possible and really enjoy these moments with my babies who aren’t yet embarrassed to show me allllll the affection in public. :)

The kiddos were away from the classroom while we were setting up, and it was just priceless to watch them walk into the room and just light up like megawatt bulbs. You’d think they’d just walked into Disney! Such a little thing to make them so happy and enchanted. :)

Not gonna girl had the best costume flair. She looked stinking adorable in her very favorite color. She was so proud of how it all turned out. 

Hilariously...I didn’t realize until after she was already at school for the day that she’d accidentally worn Chica’s (much bigger) shoes today, ha. They have identical pairs and obviously, I need to figure out how to label them, tehe.

And what a glorious topper to make it home for the day after school and ride around in all the beautiful leaf scenery. The trees are just stunning this week. Perfect timing.

Sooooooo ready for this break in our daily routine and some extended family time. Already tonight, we relaxed bedtime and it was glorious.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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