Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Our Little Thankful Wheels

We had another good day today, and even busted out our first official Thanksgiving season project—woohoo! :)

A full hour was spent, post-school, coloring our little “thankful wheels” and making gratitude lists. It was such a simple project (hellooooo, anything with markers is always a win with my kiddos, ha), with a positive message to continue the over all themes of blessings and gratitude I’m really trying to hammer home this month.

(A little face plant for some snack fuel, ha.)

My Chicklet finished her coloring first, which was so great because she got to snuggle in my lap while I helped her spell out her items for her wheel. It’s soooo wonderful to track her progress week over week with penmanship and her focus on letter sounds. We’ve found a great and super-simple way to work with her at bedtime that she’s really enjoying (more on that another time).

Her gratitude list:
  • Lovely food
  • People
  • Acorns
  • Drinks
  • Leaves
  • Family
:) :) :)

I seriously luuuurv Little Man’a meticulous focus on coloring these days. It’s just the best. We’ve been freehand drawing and coloring in some Power Rangers (in any color he requests) over the past few days, and he is all about the details. And I love how he decided to color his thankful wheel in the inverse—saturating the whole background in red (well, half of it, at least, before he got a little tired from a full hour of that focus, ha).

His gratitude list:
  • Power Rangers
  • Halloween
  • My Mama
  • Hugs
  • Markers
  • Animals from the zoo
I mean...I love.

And lastly, my Chica, who took about 90 minutes to color in every last detail of her wheel (that I failed to take a final pic of, ha). And better yet—she chatted with my while she was coloring and I was fixing dinner, while the younger two wandered upstairs. I always appreciate some chit chat about my kiddos’ days. :)

Chica’s gratitude list:
  • Our life
  • Our toys
  • Our pool
  • My friends
  • My family
  • Our rain
I mean, seriously. What a beautiful little exercise to see how my babies’ brains think these things through.

As I mentioned already, I’ve absolutely been enjoying this totally normal week, and the fun holiday decorating we’ve begun. It’s been front and center a focus of mine to appreciate and enjoy these simple weeks before any craziness of the season sets in—and to enjoy it all the more because last year, we had to skip past some of these simple joys.

So that’s the thing I’m most grateful for: the ability to just enjoy everything as it’s happening. 

I’m also grateful for...

Lazy mornings with my boy when it’s not a school day for him.

Memories of past silliness (we wore these hats last year to Chicklet’s Thanksgiving preschool celebration).

I’m grateful for Tar-jay (that goes without saying, ha). But mostly, I’m grateful for the moments I’ll remember, on account of Tar-jay, because of these dang ornaments that are stinking adorable and have cost me a bundle. ;)

I’m grateful for daylight savings and the sunlight it gives us in the mornings (muuuuuch happier kiddos getting ready for school).

And, lastly, I’m grateful for the hubby, who made this delicious concoction tonight when I asked for a cup of hot chocolate. :)

Oh—and one last last point of gratitude: I’m thankful for books! Reading is my everything in my “me” time, and I’m soooo pumped to start a book tonight that I’ve been looking forward to for awhile. Sometime soon, I’ll post a list of some of my favorite reads, of late, as I feel like there have been a handful.

Okay, m’peeps.

Happy Hump Day!

Over and out. 

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