Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tree Lighting(s)!



I have a confession.

It may or may not be November 5th, and we may or may not have assembled three Christmas trees today (insert super-excited and only slightly embarrassed sqeeeeee.)

So...it all started with Tar-jay (it’s best to always just blame Tar-jay). Because I was dim enough to go there this morning—sans kiddos, mind you—when I had far too much time on my hands to wander and discover, and—gasp!—the wonderland was up!

Gahhhhh!! Happy, happy, joy, joy, for all.

Worse yet—I had a significant return of more than $100 (some curtains, long boring story), so I felt like I had money to spend, even though the hubby kindly loves to remind me that returns don’t equate to free money (Pft. Flawed accounting if you ask me.)

Anywho...there I was with a little bit o’ time and money, and a whole lotta joy, and these little bobble-head-like, decoupage ornaments just kept calling to me, and I couldn’t just leave them there, homeless, so...yeah. I maybe, kinda, sorta gave many of them a reaaallly good home. :) Tehe.

But seriously—look how cute!

For Chica, I snagged a few Harry Potter-related ones, for Little Man, it was superheroes and Star Wars, and for Chicklet, some stinking adorable Lion Guard and Frozen fun. (Happy, happy, joy, joy).

I honest to goodness didn’t plan on gifting them to my nuggets today. But then we were having such a lovely, normal, chill afternoon, and something just came over me, and I had to. 

Next thing you know, my babies were bursting with gratitude and excitement, and just dying to put their ornaments somewhere, and...it just so happened that I smuggled some really awesomesauce, 6.5 foot trees into the garage last week, without it the hubby really noticing (again, they needed a good home when I discovered them lonely—and super cheap!—at Walmart).

So...yeah. Upsies went the trees! Wheeeeeee!

Each kiddo for a different one for their room. Black with white lights for Little Man...

(Look—they were literally jumping for joy!)

White with blue lights for Chicklet...

And white with colored lights for Chica...

I mean, it was just so fun and so organic and just so happy, it was the absolute best.

At one point, Chica even declared: “this is one of the best days of my life!” And I just luuuuurv that kind of hyperbole enthusiasm. It makes this Mama’s Heart burst with joy. :)

And that joy was pretty contagious once Daddy made it home and the kiddos got to show off the holiday explosion. :)

Already, I’m seriously loving this different kind of chill vibe we’ve got, heading into Thanksgiving and Christmas. With no hosting duties and no house on the market (ahem, our heinous holidays last year), I feel like we’re just going to beat to our own drum and timeline and soak up allllll the good stuff. (And try not to be sad when it really sinks in that nobody’s coming to our house for the holidays this year, ha).

So...happy inaugural tree lighting day, m’peeps! It’s just the beginning!

Over and out. 

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