Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Little Chicklet & Mama Time

So...germs are absolutely positively percolating around our house at the moment.

Coughs are mounting, sniffles, congestion and mood swings are increasing, and we’re trying like mad to halt things before they snowball, but...well. You know how these things go.

All things considered (and I shouldn’t even be typing this) we’ve had the healthiest Fall since all three kiddos have been alive. I mean, we’ve only had one hospital visit (I joke, but only a little), and that was Little Man’s early September round of croup that we caught early and squashed quickly. So...I suppose we should be feeling quite lucky, all things considered. 

But the point is: none of the kiddos (nor Mama and Daddy) feel 100% at the moment, and Chicklet has the worst cough. So it was either terrible or wonderful timing that I was scheduled to come to her classroom this morning to read and do a little project. But I was thrilled to receive an invite from her teacher, and neither one of us wanted to miss out. 

In the end, after the reading and sweet little cardboard gingerbread house decorating (a repeat of our successful home project), when my not-feeling-so-great girl looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and asked to come home with me, I said...yep. Absolutely.

And I do not regret it one bit, because I never ever (or very, very rarely) get alone time with my beautiful middle baby, so today was a special treat.

We kept it low-key, managing the Target run I really needed to make...

And then we picked up lunch, ate a bit and snuggled up in bed for the “quiet time” we could manage before we had to pick up Little Man from school (it was his last day before break!).

Grateful for any chance I can get to give this girl that I love like mad a little extra-special attention. She demands so very little and is such an easy and joyous girl. She absolutely makes my heart so, dang happy.

(And please chuckle at the set of four squishy poo toys and diamond-shaped, Frozen 2 chapstick she selected at Target as her very special Mama-Chicklet Day treats. I will never cease to get a kick out of her random “toy” selections. And look how she lined them up in bed with her! She is soooooo golden. I LOVE HER.


Now if we can just keep everybody from plummeting, health-wise!

Over and out. 

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