Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Little Family Tennis

We interrupt your regularly scheduled holiday musings to bring you these random pics from our evening of family silliness:

Only in Texas can you spend the morning taking part in the Winter Wonderland services at church (more on that maƱana), and then bust out the rackets in the evening for some outdoor activity, in nearly 80-degree weather, ha. 

The hubby had been wanting to get the kiddos out on the court in our neighborhood for ages, but I was resisting until we could find inexpensive rackets for all three of them. Lest the in-fighting ruin all the fun.

Amazon totally pulled through on an overnight delivery and it was the perfect evening to run off some energy after dinner.

And, holy heavens, the sunset. The common sporting and play area within the neighborhood sits up at one of the highest points of the surrounding land, and it makes for just the best evening time view. :)

So glad for the family play and exercise. It was another busy day, but such a lovely one.

More on the girlies’ participation in the kiddos’ church choir tomorrow!

Over and out. 

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