Saturday, December 28, 2019

Assume The Lazy Position

Hellooooo, from the flip side of Christmas!

So. I’m totally aware that I haven’t taken time to sift through our Christmas pics, yet, or share any of our loveliness from the official holiday hoopla.

But I’m gonna skip right over that for the moment, and tell you about our current state of affairs, m’kay?? M’kay.

So after just shy of a week away for the holiday, we made the long journey home yesterday, and knocked it out in one day. 

We left Tulsa at 8:30 a.m., and pulled into the garage in SA last night just shy of 7:30 p.m., oye. And though we had a lovely lunchtime stop in Dallas for some leg stretching and fresh air, it was a lengthy journey—especially for two adults who don’t totally dig road trips, ha.

So we knew that today, we would be lazy pieces of nothingness. Staying in our pajamas all day, and having our food delivered. :)

And, man, have we risen to the task! Tehe.

In case you’re wondering, this is what laziness looks like:

I’ve never been prouder of our commitment to lounging.

And snuggling.

And finally busting out all those LEGO sets that the kiddos (Little Man, in particular) received for the holidays and were denied opening, because we just couldn’t risk losing those little bits!

So he waited all the way until he pounced on our bed first thing this morning before pleading: “can I please open my LEGOs now????”

Yes, my Little Man. You can finally open your LEGOs. 

It’s now inching toward dinnertime as I type this, and we’ve maintained our lazy pretty well. Playing with Christmas presents, enjoying some family time, and just basking in the glow of home

One major perk of the hubby’s current company is the fact that they full-on close up shop for two weeks at the holidays.

So although we’ve always enjoyed some quality time with him in between Christmas and New Year’s,  this time, we get him for even longer, and we are totally looking forward to that time.

We made a long list of tidbits and to-dos that we’d love to try and make it through during the next week or so. But we’re also hoping to fit in some fun adventures and just some good. Quality. Time.

And sometime over the next day or two, I’ll make it through the holiday pics and post some of that fun, fun, fun.

Until then, I hope you all are enjoying some extended time with family and friends. And totally enjoy these cute pics of our stop yesterday in Dallas to dine al fresco at our favorite restaurant, and let the kiddos go nuts and stretch their legs. :)

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