Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas 2019!

Okay, m’peeps.

I feel like every year, without fail, I tend to post pictures from Christmas Day about a week late, ha. Shocker, I know.

But there’s a constant nagging in my brain saying I must post them right here, right now, without procrastinating further, before the clock strikes midnight and a new year—scratch that, a new decade—begins!

So without further delay...here are some lovely snapshots of our Christmas Day. Filled with family, fun, chaos, joy, food, and all that is celebratory and wonderful. :) Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Cliff’s notes on the kiddos’ major gifts this year: Chicklet received an electric car (the roads are no longer safe), Little Man was pumped about his Power Rangers gear and LEGOs, and Chica was madly in love with her assortment of tiny Harry Potter stuffed animals and tiny Twisty Pet. :)

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