Friday, January 17, 2020

Heave-Ho NO

So...I’m just gonna come right out and say it:

I’ve been one hot mess this week (and by hot, I mean NOT).

First up, mid-week, I had a round of my heart palpitations that I just really loathe.

It’s a thing with me that I just have to deal with. And don’t worry, I have regular cardiologist appointments, and I know my triggers like too much caffeine and not enough water, or too much acetaminophen (sinus headaches make me need that Tylenol sinus) and too much physical chaos, with too little downtime.

And, yes, it makes me feel like an 80-year-old when I have a “spell,” but, man, did I have an annoying round. It was my body’s way of telling me to just calm down, already

But never fear. Other ailments soon left me with far greater things to worry about.

By Wednesday evening I was feeling pretty normal, and our routine was pretty smooth. I made dinner, we got the kiddos down, and then around 8 p.m., I went from totally fine to vomiting up everything in the world for a few hours.

Like, legitimately, it wouldn’t end.

It was the second-worst round of throwing up I’ve ever had—and first place honors go to that time, just a few days after Little Man was born, when I was throwing up for hours with a fresh c-section scar and ended up in the after-hours clinic.

So...yeah. No fun.

I would have guessed food poisoning, but the hubby and I literally ate the same servings of everything. And I would have next guessed a side-effect of an intense and debilitating sinus headache that slammed right into me (again, have I mentioned the hot mess??). But due to the, ahem, amount of stomach emptying, I just have to assume that I contracted the stomach bug that’s been going around school, and holy goodness did it take me OUT.

It only stopped when the hubby, desperate to get me some relief, scrounged up an old nausea prescription from my Chica pregnancy, and it literally just knocked me lights out. I slept twelve hours all through the night, and then about another nine daytime hours yesterday.

I mean, holy recovery.

Everything hurts.

I feel soooo beaten up.

But I’m so dang grateful that the hubby’s schedule allowed for flexibility to keep the household wheels churning while I was incapacitated.

You know, it’s hard for parents to get sick. Usually, you just end up powering through and doing what you have to anyway. But yesterday, I was in full screw it mode. I knew he’d just have to figure it out. And there were some hilarious tidbits he reported back to me:

Like when he learned that Little Man doesn’t have a backpack for school, but rather, an assigned school bag, and it’s only due to Little Man’s guidance that the hubby discovered where the lunch boxes are kept in the kitchen.

Or when the hubby arrived at Little Man’a preschool—for the first time ever, mind you—and when a staff member said good morning to Little Man by name, the hubby sighed and said, “oh good, I made it to the right place.”

Or when Little Man’s teachers inquired after me, and the hubby said, “yeah, his Mama is pretty sick today,” and then felt weird for not saying “my wife” like he was declining to take ownership of me, haha.

Can’t blame him.

I’m not really something you want to take ownership of, at present.

Luckily, I just got fat more attractive (insert sarcasm here) when I decided to haul myself out of bed this morning when the hubby had to go into the office, so I could sit at the table—about all I can do—and bust open a little Kiwi Crate space project with Little Man.

But the blue “space” glue malfunctioned when opened, and splattered all over my face and the kitchen (yeah, yeah, insert all the jokes in the world here), and I ended up looking like this:

I mean...I seriously don’t know how I’m not beating off admirers with a stick. Truly.

Deep sigh.

Alas, after my boy got a real chuckle out of the explosion, we completed the Kiwi Crate, he thoroughly enjoyed it, and I felt about 5% better for my absentee parenting of the past 48 hours. 

We made a moon, complete with craters, that we covered with glow-in-the-dark paint. 

And we assembled a little space toss game...

And then made a “galaxy” in a tube—complete with the offending blue glue. 

It was good times. And then we did some sedentary puzzle assembly.

Never have I been more glad that the kiddos have no school on Monday. We have plans to be pretty low-key and go to a movie tomorrow. And God willing, I will be in better health soon

Until then...wish me stability. And the hubby, too, ha.

Over and out. 

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