Sunday, January 19, 2020

Glitter & Yarn Winners!

So...the sick ick is kinda sorta making its way through the household (boooooo), but in different mutations. Oye. 

So far, fevers and congestion are winning out—and I’ll take that above the stomach heinousness that still has me feeling crummy in the tummy. :(

But...the upside to this yuckside, is some quality family time at home, since we’ve been trying to keep our germs to ourselves. We spent all day yesterday in our pajamas, just watching movies and playing (in a very low-key way), and today was much of the same—with the exception of needing groceries, ha.

So thanks to the ick time yesterday, we got to bust out the second of two really successful projects we’ve done over the past couple of days!

Both were crafts I’d kept my eye on for some time, and were gifts to the kiddos at Christmas. I’d highly recommend either one for mess-free, easy fun—and I’ll likely be buying other versions of them for a second round of craftiness at our casa. :)

First up: Yarn Art

This kit is just so ridiculously, ingeniously easy that it’s almost funny.

Basically, you get a hard, color-by-numbers type of surface, several kinds of yarn, and this open tube that you “thread” the yard through, without the need of tying anything or knotting anything, or dealing with tiny needles you have to thread.

And then the yarn just full-on sticks to the Velcro-type surface so easily that you can just let the kiddo go nuts! They can “fill” the section with the yarn in whatever organized or creative way they see fit, and, viola! Just cut the piece of yarn when they’re done.

Chicklet was in hog heaven. Like, seriously tickled pink over this. And it was an extra-special treat for her to be able to do this as a solo project, because that doesn’t happen often. And who doesn’t love making their babies feel extra special?? :)

Seriously fun and easy, and she especially loved the larger sections where she could really swoop and swirl with the yarn. 

She was hilarious as we were wrapping up, telling me that it was so soft, she wanted to make a pillow just like it, and then snuggling with it, hehe.

She was so proud to march upstairs and show it odd to the rest of the fam.

So, yay, for a project that got a major thumbs up!

And heeeeere’s the second one that was also easy, breezy, and a big success:

I’d seen a couple of these kits at Tarjay and knew they’d be good fun. But it was even easier than I anticipated.

And the kiddos were so eager to bust it out that I had to let Little Man do his one morning while the girlies were at school because he just couldn’t wait, ha. 

The kit came with three key chain animals to glitter is, and it’s literally as simple as selecting a glitter dot and smooshing it (technical term into the section of your choosing).

And I thought the dots might be a bit gel-like, or slightly messy, but not one bit. Like this great kind of spreadable, dry substance that was perfectly non-messy. 

The girlies were so pumped to finish theirs after school (and side note: I should have known by Chica’s eyes here that she was starting to get sick).

The keychains come with a cover to snap on top when you’re finished, so they’re like a little case to keep the glitter in. Then you add the actual key chain clip and you’re good to go!

The girlies both raced to grab their backpacks and attach them. They love having a bit of flair there. :)

So, woohoo, for doubly successful easy-breezy project fun while we’ve been under the weather.

The poor hubby has work mañana, but the kiddos are out of school for the holiday and I could not be happier with that fortuitous timing.

Planning on another mostly pajama day and some Valentine projects. Time to get our heart crafts on!

Over and out. 

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