Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Very Harry Sick Day

So...I’m not gonna lie—I was really looking forward to today, when all three nuggets were supposed to be in school, so I could have just a couple of hours alone to regroup, take care of a few things, and just mentally recover from this past week of sickness that totally kicked my heiny.

Alas. God had other plans. And Chica’s fever and nasty cough from the weekend lingered just long enough to force a sick day.

And Mama had to really work to adjust her attitude and roll with the punches.

But I rallied and managed to split the Little-Man-At-Preschool hours into thirds:

One-third, doing chores and stuff I just had to accomplish;
One-third being a little selfish and looking after myself;
And one-third doting on my eldest with some special bonding time.

And what better thing to bond over than Harry? :)

In case you were wondering...Chica’s devotion is still going strong, and I could not be happier about that.

We’re more than halfway through the second book, and really getting into some of the fun stuff, and she basically begs nightly to have our special time to read, and really gets her pout on when we miss an evening, ha.

And since she spent her one sick day earlier in the school year having some special Harry time, as well, the second I declared her homebound for the day, she knew exactly what she wanted to do, ha.

Heeeere she was back in September when she was home:

And heeeere she was today. :)

While I was taking care of some of my to-dos, she spent time in my bed, lounging and re-watching the first movie.

And then when we had our lunch break, we busted out the second book to finish a really fun chapter we were working on last night. And because she was so tickled by it, and because we had a precious 40 minutes before we had to go pick up Little Man from preschool...

I turned on the second movie and let her watch the first half an hour (since we’ve read much more than that), and she was guh-lowing with happiness. :)

I mean, she was so pumped.

And so adorable noting all the changes in the actors as they’d aged from the first movie to the second.

And—best of all—she is so dang loyal to the books, that she was fiercely disgruntled when any small thing that was changed, hehe:

It was a fun bit of special time, and I’m glad I was able to pull it together for this—if not the full day, ha.

More mañana on a couple of smaller Valentine projects we’ve handled over the past couple of days.

In the meantime, I’m off to scrounge up all the probiotics I can find in this casa. Germs keep multiplying!

Over and out. 

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