Saturday, January 11, 2020

Minor Disappointment, Miniature Golf


Don’tcha just love it when:

you plan a major outing to Sea World,

get all the kiddos dressed and raring to go,

the gear all packed up and loaded in the car,

the snacks and the sunscreen tucked away for a crisp but sunny day,

the smiles and excitement revved up as high as you can manage after a long first week back to normal...

only to call on the way there to verify the orca showtimes and instead discover that the park is CLOSED for the off-season until the end of February.

I mean...UGH.


To be fair, we might have lacked some of the enthusiasm needed to 100% thrive during such a big undertaking today, so perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. 

And we managed to swiftly bob and weave and take the kids to...putt-putt!

And they were pumped.

Daddy took the crazies to this miniature golf place a couple of months ago, when I was visiting Godmother Lisa, and it was apparently a major success that day. And the kiddos have been begging to take me ever since.

So it all worked out, it really was a beautifully sunny day, and...we’ll pencil in our Sea World excursion for a couple of months from now, ha.

Happy Saturday, peeps. :)

Over and out. 

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