Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sunshine & Scrubbies!

Oh my heavens...after a week of cold and rainy days, today was glorious. 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. So we took complete advantage and spent pretty much all our time after school outside.

We started with an hour of bike and scooter riding around the neighborhood. With a little stop midway at one of our favorite little spot to play in some landscaping.

And apparently climb some trees.

And Little Man may or may not have had a potty emergency while we were quite far from the house, so I may or may not have let him potty by one of those trees we climbed.

‘Cause I’m a classy Mama like that. 

Love seeing those smiles in the fresh air.

And I also love the chance to do a little outdoor project when the weather and the craft are just right, and I had one that was a total winner. (Side note: can you tell I really thought through ways to keep us happy and outdoors as long as possible??? Ha.)

So this is a project/toy I’d written down months ago, and almost bought for Chicklet at Christmas, but we just weren’t in need of another gift for my already gifted-up kiddos. But I knew when I had a chance I’d snag it, and it would be a great one. I mean, what’s not to like???

You color these fuzzy cute little animals with markers.

Then you give them a bath.

And do it all over again.

I mean...sold.

Chicklet was so pumped when I busted it out because not only had she noticed it one day in Tarjay, but she’d also recently seen an online video about it. Golden.

It really was a prefect little form of outdoor crafty entertainment, and they were so happy to color and scrub their animal babies. :)

For anyone curiously this would totally be manageable indoors, as well. As long as you had a splash zone prepared. And perhaps a towel underneath the “bath tub.”

So...all in all, I’m really grateful for some outdoor time to shake up a slightly rough week.

And to close this all out, please enjoy this random but adorable pics of the donut we picked up for Little Man after school—that he declared the bestest, chocolately-ist donut he’s ever had. Hehe.

Happy Almost Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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