Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Weathering The Moods

My, oh my, oh my.

The transition back to school after holiday break is always a pretty brutal one.

Perhaps because my babies are still pretty young and learning how to express what exactly is causing them anxiety or sadness or exhaustion. Or perhaps because it just always stinks, no matter what, ha.

Regardless...I knew it was coming, and I was (mostly) prepared.

But still. It’s been full of wild mood swings—some really boisterous and happy, but others that veer in the complete opposite direction. Oye.

This baby of mine had her toughest moment this evening:

We made it through the entire evening routine. Bath, books, songs, all completely normal. And then a few minutes later, once we were downstairs, we heard her crying in her room.

When we went up to check on her, the poor girl was just sobbing about how she missed us while she was at school, and didn’t want to go. I mean...talk about breaking your heart. She was just sooooo distraught.

Worse yet—when I tried to console her and validate her feelings that it’s tough to return to routine after so much fun family time, I didn’t make any headway. 

When I suggested she wear her locket tomorrow that has pics of her siblings in it, she slightly perked up, but only until she remembered it needs pics of Daddy and I in it, as well. 

When I told her I would put some family pictures in her backpack, it appeased her a little—until she realized that meant she and her backpack would indeed be going to school.

And when I asked if there was anything else I could do to help her feel better at school, and she looked up at my through her blubbering and tears and suggested I come read to her class and do a project again, like I have a couple of times, it nearly broke my heart.

Man, oh man, would I love to meet her for lunch tomorrow, but I think it would just be a nightmare leaving the building afterwards. She’d be so distraught, I don’t think it would help.

In the end, I was a total sucker and asked if she wanted to sleep in our bed so she could be near us more tonight before school tomorrow, and I’m sure it will not produce a restful evening, but I had no other ideas. :(

By comparison, this little dude of mine only had minor apprehension (and a lot of red donut on his face yesterday, ha).

He was pretty somber and a bit cranky, and definitely a bit needier than usual, this morning. He tried to convince me he didn’t need to go, and was really really close to tears.

But thank heavens for his beloved teacher, who I’m pretty sure he loves only slightly less than his Mama, ha, because as soon as he saw her, his anxiety eased a bit.

But he was for sure in meltdown mode this afternoon, following a long first day back.

Now, lastly...my eldest.

You wouldn’t think she’d still be so prone to the sadness and reluctance of returning to school after a break, but she was the first to start to get a little blue about it, days ago, and she had a major, really sad sob-fest this evening while I was cooking dinner.

Same as with Chicklet, she was just leaking tears and she just spoke about missing me so much during the day. And just how sad she was to be separated from her family during the day. 

I mean...talk about a stab to the gut. UGH.

With her, as with Chicklet, I did my best to let her know that her feelings were valid, I pretty much felt the same way, too, but that things would return to “normal” before she knew it.

And in the meantime, I tried to distract her with some food prep, and a bit of quality time, and I’m hoping for smoother sailing in the coming evenings.

Bottom line: I don’t think the first weeks of January are anybody’s favorite.

It’s tough coming down off the high of the holidays. The loose schedules are over, the extra family bonding time is eaten up by school and extracurriculars and work, and it just stinks.

But a little fresh air always helps with whatever ails you (well, except for maybe allergies, ha). So we’ve been trying to get our sunshine as a way to distract and lift our moods this week.

Yesterday, after school and dance class, we picked up dinner and had a picnic at our neighborhood playground, and it was heavenly. It definitely helped to bring out the smiles for a bit and keep our minds in a happy, playful place. :)

I know all will be smooth sailing in a few days or a week, tops. But until then, I might have to send Daddy to deal with any crying or I’m going to end up with all my babies in our bed, ha.

Oh well...I suppose it could be worse. At least all this crying and missing us really equates to LOVE, amiright?

More maƱana.

Over and out. :)

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