Wednesday, January 8, 2020

LEGOs Are The New Puzzles

So...about six months ago, I shared a little post about the nonstop puzzle action going ‘round our casa:

And here we are, half a year later, trading one assembly habit for another. 

And this new, tiny nuisance of intricate pieces taking over every room of our humble abode is none other than...


It’s all LEGOs, all the time—especially for Little Man.

I suppose I only have myself to blame, for getting this whole ball rolling during Little Man’s fourth birthday in September. That was the first, official LEGO kit (beyond the larger, Duplo LEGOs that we’ve long enjoyed) that we welcomed into our household, and things having massively snowballed since then, ha.

So to all who have supported this habit through Christmas gifts and odds and ends presents (and, Santa, I’m even talking to you, here): I pretty much equally love and loathe you for fanning this flame.

And anybody who’s had to pick up, reassemble, or avoid four-letter curse words when stepping on pieces can back me on this love/loathe stance.

Ah, I miss thee.

Now here’s a SLEW of pics, beginning with the massive multi-colored, free form kit (on our fun raspberry-colored blanket I’m loving) that we played with all day today. 

Also, please let the record show that it was barely 7:30 a.m. this morning when we began assembling a Spider-Man LEGO motorcycle, ha. Before we got out the multi-colored kit, ha.

And this one is my boy hilariously moving his legs out of the way to show off all of his beloved LEGO people he’s accumulated. All Spider-Man and Star Wars related, in case you were curious. ;)

Here he is on Monday, in the (messy) playroom, working with the Duplos we used to make a little village...

And here he is over the holiday break roping Daddy into assembly...

Here’s Chicklet’s kit we put together...

And heeeere’s Chica’s fun kit...

And, lastly, on this all-LEGO post: it must be noted that it’s kind of crazy how much time we actually spend building downstairs these days.

In our old house, I was all about keeping everything messy and chaotic upstairs, but we spend so much more times downstairs in our new house. Mostly because of the lovely views and light, I suppose. But I’m relieved to report that it doesn’t drive me nutty—as long as we pick it up when we’re done. ;)

So...long live this new phase, I suppose. Louder and sharper and more needy in terms of parental help than puzzles. But, hey—we can have multiple loves, yes?

More on this outdoor playtime diversions we continued today when I have a chance to sift through pics. Kiddos are still a bit insane from re-entry moodiness, but we’re trucking along!

Happy Almost Thursday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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