Saturday, February 29, 2020

Gappy Smile!

So...none of us changed out of our pajamas all the live long day today. And it was fabulous.

I did a crap-ton o’ laundry, tidied up some annoying piles of miscellaneous stuff, we watched movies together as a fam, we went on a lunch drive-through food run (yup, in the pjs) as a fam. I mean, it was all just good, quality time laziness. And helpful as Chicklet and I continue to build up our post-flu stamina.

Aaaaand...the most major event of the day: Chicklet finally, finally lost that top tooth she’d been letting linger forever. Woohoo!

I lurv the gap toothed smile stage. Love, love it. :)

Happy Saturday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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