Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Distancing Day 9: Balance & Better Attitudes!

Oh holy heavens, we had much better behaved kiddos today. Halleluiah!

Perhaps it was the massive lecture I gave them last night that turned the ship around, or the many threats or the privileges taken away. Or maybe it was just plain dumb luck and a better night of sleep for them, collectively.

Whatever the reason, I’m grateful.

And I also consider it no small coincidence that things were better today because we reverted back to our schedule and learning style from last week, rather than trying to fit into the new programs posted for us.

Although, to be accurate, we blended both to make something happy for all. Some printed out, assigned work form school, along with our own brand of education fun. ;)

Definitely less angsty during our learning time again. Woohoo.

We sent fun pics and videos to both of the girlies’ teachers, reporting in our learning activities of the day, and they were both really positive and encouraging. So grateful the elementary staff is leaning heavily on the supportive vibe at the moment. We’re all trying our best.

So...onward and upward!

And, of course, Doodle Time was had by all. ;)

Love this adorable pic:

Don’t love that it was 91 degrees today. Soooooo not ready for that kind of heat. And the kiddos were pretty wilted and defeated during our outdoor time, ha. Might have to adjust our exercise schedule for earlier in the day if the heat persists.

And lastly, for today’s check-in...our school has officially closed for an additional four weeks beyond these two we’re wrapping up.

I know this was likely, and I know it’s likelier still that we’ll be closed through the end of the year, as some districts in neighboring states already are.


The reality of receiving the news and feeling that official announcement sink in is still a bit disheartening.

Such strange times, and constant change. 

And lots of heavy duty for parents the world over. 

But, this, too, shall pass. 

And we’ll just take it one day at a time.

As a final send-off, I find myself really appreciative that all this is happening during a time of year that at least brings the promise of life and revival. Imagine a quarantine like this in the dead of winter, or The heart of a Texas summer? 

And for whatever reason—perhaps because we’re just hitting the one year mark here in SA, and when we moved last March, I was in no frame of mind to really focus on the landscape around me—I’ve soooo been enjoying the life stages of some of our beautiful trees and shrubs.

The view out our living room and kitchen windows is hands down one of the reasons we connected with this home, and it’s been a total joy to watch the rebirth of our pool tree that I adore

Just stunning.

And a poignant reminder of all that can happen in a two week time period.

Here’s hoping for positive momentum another two weeks from now.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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