Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Distancing Day 17: Scooby-Doodle-Poo

Oh my heavens, the sun is shining, it’s a perfect 70 degrees, my kiddos have been mild on the complaining front, we managed to get our school work, our walk, and our art time completed without meltdowns, so...

At 3 pm, as I’m typing this, I’m going to go ahead and mark this day as a win.

Even if things go drastically downhill from here, we made it this far, ha.

But really, we’re about to start an hour of quiet time, an hour of project time, and then dinner and wind down, so I feel like the worst is over, right?? (Please just agree with me, here, for the sake of my sanity!) I sit here thinking about the routine of our days for the past three weeks, and certain things that help us feel scheduled and “normal,” here are three tidbits I want to share. Two are new on this here blog.

1. Scooby-Doo

Oh my goodness, my kiddos are totally into Scooby-Doo these days! Who’d a thunk?

It began about a month ago, when the hubby just randomly pulled up some episodeS on Netflix, and all three were sold. 

Just when I’d worry it was too scary, there would be some investigation or discovery that would explain away the frightening thing, and the kiddos would be so into the mystery of it that they didn’t dwell too much on anything else.

So...yay, for a new show outlet!

That said there are so many versions of this classic show that this is the particular one that’s been a winner for us:

Some of the others are just a tad bit too scary, or focused a bit more on relationships between the characters that go over my three kiddos’ heads, but this is one is just right. :)

Don’t think there’s a day that goes by when we don’t watch at least and episode or two.

2. Doodle Time

I’ve posted about it several times already, but during this nearly three weeks of distancing, we have been wildly enjoying our doodle time, every day in the afternoon.

Beloved children’s author, Mo Willems, posts a new “lunchtime doodle” every day on YouTube, and has committed to doing this the entire duration of the quarantine. And it is just a lovely bit of creativity for us every day, and I just adore Mo and his temperament and his humor.

We’d just showered after our midday walk, so the girlies were stinking adorable for their doodling in their towel turbans today, and I think these smiles pretty much say it all.

Mo was making them giggle and I just lurv it. 

And here’s Little Man, baring his teeth like the monster he was doodling. :)

Seriously a highlight of our day, and part of our routine that gives us a focus and an outlet.

And, lastly...

3. The Poo Dance

This is something that has been a part of our nightly routine for months and months, and somehow, I’ve never managed to post about it!

If you’ll recall, at the start of the school year, poor Chicklet was having some major poo trouble that was causing a lot of angst for her, for us, for her poor teacher, as there were a couple of incidents. It was just a really chronic problem, we were actively working on with water and medication, and movement, and everything under the sun.

It was quite distressing, and not our first round with one of our kiddos and poo trouble (funny enough, Little Man is the only one who never really had a problem).

But around the time we were really intensive working on helping to get our sweets Chicklet in a better routine and cycle, the hubby came up with this nighttime “poo dance” that is hysterical, and now a full-on part of our evening, ha.

After dinner, just before bath, we put on the most annoying song known to man...

And the kiddos all do this “dance” that’s a series of movements designed to get Chicklet’s little body going to help her, well, go poo!

And it has worked nearly every single day since we implemented it nearly six months ago!

It’s basically a round of:
  • Knees to chest marching in place
  • Bending to touch toes and shake the booty
  • Running a lap around the living room/kitchen
  • Flopping on a chair and bringing knees to chest
And then repeating it all again, in time with the music.

It’s hysterical, goofy, and surprisingly effective, and I would just be sooooo sad if I never mentioned it on this here blog and I forgot about it, someday. Though I doubt I ever could. ;)

So there you have it for this random post on a random Wednesday. 

And Poo.

Three parts of our day, every day.

Hope everyone is staying healthy and (relatively) sane.

Over and out, peeps.

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