Thursday, April 16, 2020

Distancing Day 32: The Claw & The Cooking

Well, m’peeps.

It’s happened.

My right hand has officially become The Claw.

And it’s not due to misbehaving children (well, maybe a little), or some magical transfiguration problem (have I been reading too much Harry Potter?).

Nope, it’s all thanks (but, no thanks) to...

The cooking.
And baking.
And stirring.
And sewing.
And weed pulling.
And LEGO building.
And bike riding (utilizing my hand brakes).
And cleaning.
And doodle time.
And school work.
And texting.

And cooking, and cooking, and cooking, and COOKING, and EVER-LOVING COOKING.

I mean, even my dishwasher is crying out for help. 

And some rest.

Perhaps a mini vacay.

Or just one cycle a day and not the two that have become (ab)normal.

Deeeeeeeep sigh.

I’ll tell you this, though: my family has never had it so good (though they might claim otherwise).

They’re getting home-cooked meals morning, noon and night (sometimes twice over when I have to cook gluten-free/dairy-free for the hubby and it’s something the kiddos won’t touch), and baked goodies, non-stop. 

Thank heavens it’s all pretty healthy, or we would no longer fit within this house.

(And, also, thank goodness the kiddos are biking us all over this dang neighborhood, ha.)

Only problem (besides The Claw): I’m absolutely heinous at taking pictures of food.

Like, it’s seriously an inadequacy of mine.

Whenever I take them (even at restaurants, before all this), I delete them almost immediately, because they never look appetizing.


I now consider that a quarantine challenge. Something to conquer. And I’m happy to report that I’ve managed to take three, whole, food pictures that don’t look too bad:

Thank you, Claw.

And now I’m off to find some ice.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Am I the only Mama out there who’s SO ready to take it light on the to-dos and heavy on the lazy tomorrow??? TGIF.

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