Friday, April 17, 2020

Distancing Day 33: It’s Official

Well, m’peeps.

It’s official. 

Our governor announced the close of all schools, statewide, through the end of the school year. Notice was sent out today.

And it’s not like I wasn’t expecting this. I mean, if we’d received notice that we were actually returning to school in a few weeks, I’d probably be thrown for a bigger loop.

But, still. 

It’s heavy news to absorb.

And it makes me a wee, bit tired to think about this six-month, intensive March-August stretch that will give us some of the greatest family and quality time we will ever have—and likely, some of the greatest exhaustion and challenges. an attempt to keep myself on the Keep Calm And Carry On path, I decided to lay out some of the kiddos school work that I’ve archived over the past few weeks, to remind myself of all that we are accomplishing.

It was a helpful early evening activity. A way to take stock and appreciate the small, daily, to-do list victories.

Obviously, most of their distance learning that’s assigned through school is completed electronically. 

But...I’m a pencil-and-paper gal with our learning, when working independently (and we recycle, I promise), as I think it keeps them a bit more focused than learning from a laptop.

So it was pretty fun to look at all these spelling tests and math problems, and doodle time creations and so on and so on and so on.

Funny enough, this is only the girlies’ work, as well, as I was interrupted in this task by the call of the oven timer. Plus, lots of Little Man’s work is held within a few workbooks that we’ve kept intact without tearing out th pages. He was so tickled when he complete one of the workbooks last week. :)

The kiddos found me as I was putting everything away before setting the table, and it was also really special to watch Chicklet—and then Chica and Little Man—wander in and marvel at their own creations. :)

A beautiful thing.

And a reminder that we’ll just continue to take it one day at a time, through these unprecedented educational circumstances, and try to be proud of anything we manage to accumulate and accomplish.

And now, some bonus pics...

Our doodle time today was learning to draw an arctic fox, and I’m not gonna lie: I kinda dig mine, hehe.

Little Man was actually pretty focused on his drawing today (perhaps on account of his flannel, Christmas pajamas he insisted on wearing, ha).

And lastly—I’m so glad we did everything out of order and managed our bike ride early before some rain today. Heaven knows my crew needed it!

Happy Friday, peeps.

Let’s all pray to stay healthy and sane.

Over and out. 

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