Sunday, April 19, 2020

Distancing Day 35: Some Retrospective Perspective

Well, peeps.

At 5-6 weeks into this quarantine situation, we’ve progressed quite steadily along this home improvement spectrum that I’m pretty sure lots o’ people the world over are traveling right along with us:

The easy and obvious to-dos:

Like cleaning out closets

The tedious but doable/necessary to-dos:

Like painting glass-paneled study doors

The ambitious and probably ill-advised to-dos:

Like patching up large ceiling holes from an upstairs bathroom leak, using drywall, joint tape, joint compound and lots of other steps; more on that in another post.

So...yeah. As time goes on, and we’re spending more and more and more time within the confines of our home, we’re staring and plotting and scheming and considering and budgeting and fantasizing, and, let’s be real, possibly biting off more than we can chew, least it’s something to do, amiright???

That said.

I don’t want to go to the land of dissatisfaction! Feeling like nothing in the house or life is just as we want it, simply because we have spent too much time indoors, staring at it all! Like we just HAVE to tackle all of these home projects or we’ll go insane in the membrane.

I mean, it’s such a fine line to walk: utilizing this strange time to accomplish something, but not letting it all snowball mentally and physically and go to the bad place!


In order to help myself in this plight of balance, I’m going to try to continuously seek out perspective. Some helpful reminders that our house is lovely, our life is blessed and wonderful, our kiddos are happy and thriving, and all will return to a new kind of new normal in due time.

So we just need to sit tight and approach life (and any ambitious home projects!) with grace and gratitude and patience, and a hefty dose of realism, ha. 

So...a handful of my posts in the coming week might be a theme of Then/Now to remind myself of all the LIFE that can happen in a year, and how precious every minute of it is, and how much can be accomplished over a reasonable amount of time. :)

Tonight’s installment:

Little Man and his INSANE aging over the past year.

I’ve been thinking soooo much in the last few weeks about what was going on in our lives at this time, last year.

We moved to SA one year and one month ago (we bypassed this milestone amidst the start of social distancing), and it’s darn-near IMPOSSIBLE to believe that just one year, one month, and maybe one week ago, Little Man was...

Still sleeping in a crib.

Still utilizing a pacifier at night.

Still fitting into the largest size of onesie pajamas.

And still wearing DIAPERS.

I mean...holy, stinking, GOODNESS.

Anybody who knows my boy or has seen him in any capacity (in real life or on this here blog) might find this as completely ASTONISHING as I do.

But it’s true! I have documentation! The above pic was taken on one of his final nights in his crib in McKinney, before it was dissembled and donated prior to our move. In the first weeks of March 2019.


So there you have it.

What a difference a year (and a month) can make!

Just a few short weeks after the above pic, the crib was gone forever, diapers and pacis were a thing of the past, and he finally outgrew all of his zip-up pjs, ha.

Just imagine what one year from now will look like. :)

Happy Sunday, peeps.

Let’s all stay as healthy and sane as possible as we launch into another week.

Over and out. 

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