Thursday, April 23, 2020

Distancing Day 39: Wallpaper & Spice

Okay, so.

We’ve officially entered the late stages of this quarantine when all wheels are off and and we’re just tackling aspirational (translation: probably really ill-advised) home projects as time and monotony allows, just for kicks and giggles.

You know, the kind of projects that we’re not at all qualified for, but are hurling ourselves into, nonetheless. ‘Cause why the heck not, amiright??

Super fun.

So, today, I give you...adventures in wallpaper!


Funny story.

I think I mentioned that one of our only regrets amongst our household renovation decor choices is the gold mica wallpaper we installed in the piano room.

In theory, it’s pretty dang amazing and gorgeous, but in actuality, when covering an entire room, with very light wood floors too similar in hue, it just ended up...meh

Which was super disappointing since we took forever to make that wallpaper selection, and it wasn’t cheap, so we aren’t taking it down.

Anywho...this is the room we just really haven’t furnished or decorated at all, so we’ve just been staring at the mica walls and kind of loathing them. And now the hubby is working out of this room, so we’ve been staring at the mica walls even more, and...

One day, a couple weeks ago, I stumbled across this amazing and funky and obnoxious wallpaper online and purchased one roll with the intention of utilizing it as some DIY frame mattes to feature some artwork. 

But hilariously, I brought it into the hubby while he was working, he really, really dug it, and then told me we absolutely had to use it beneath the chair rail in the piano room, as a contrast and a let’s-spice-this-bad-boy up bit of flair to the mica.

I laughed.

And then I stared at it.

And the I went...huh.

And then I taped a bit of it to the wall and stared at it for a couple of weeks.

And you know what?

He was sort of right.

It’s just the kind of super-funky design thing we love to throw in somewhere, and it obnoxiously coordinates in color with a handful of things within the entryway and dining room and living room, so there’s a cool sort of flow to it, within the casa.

But I was so not going to go all-in and order any additional rolls without attempting to hang a couple of drops and see if I could pull it off. Could I navigate a corner and a light socket and use a straight-edged blade to get the lines crisp and clean around the baseboards.

And you know what? It’s totally doable!

(Pause for adorable kiddo alert.)

So...we might slowly accumulate the number of rolls we need (really not wanting to spend money right now, along with the rest of the world), to see if we can manage this whole project. 

And maybe, possibly, turn the piano room into a space we dig. :)

In totally and completely unrelated news...I had the sudden urge to take stock of my cooking spices today. Suspecting that some might be past their “best by” date.

And do you know what I discovered???

Our most outdated spice (basil, if you must know) was 14 years (FOURTEEN YEARS) PAST its “best by” date.

As in, September of 2006, that bad boy should have been replaced.

Not gonna lie...all of the spices above are way past their “best by” date. We had a handful of 2008’s, a surprising number of 2010’s and 2014’s.

So...guess who’s adding some spice updates to their grocery list for the week???

I’d sign off by saying stay healthy, stay sane, but...I think our mentally stability is a little wonky at the moment, ha.

Happy ALMOST FRIDAY, peeps.

Over and out. 

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