Friday, April 24, 2020

Distancing Day 40: Some Miles & Smiles! I mentioned a couple of days ago on this here blog, my boy was pretty dang bummed on Tuesday when the girlies received their dance recital costumes and he was left out, in boring, old plain clothes, ha.

So we rectified the situation and evened the playing field, ordering him a Miles Morales costume he’d been eying for ages.

And then the countdown and watch-for-deliveries started for realz.

It was literally the first thing out of his mouth in the morning (how many sleeps ‘til it’s here???) and the incessant question asked ‘round the clock, ha.

So imagine our shock and awe when the doorbell rang this morning, and the costume was delivered a day early. Woohoo!

TGIF, indeed. :)

And it fits so perfectly, with a bit of growing room to spare.

Hysterically, Little Man was in charge of our Art Hub doodle selection yesterday (we’re on a regular rotation every kiddos—and even Mama and Nanna—getting a chance to pick—and continue to draw every day!). And his selection was...Miles Morales, ha.

Even Daddy got in on the action when he was finished with work. :)

Grateful to have some fun Miles diversion as we head into this weekend.

Especially considering the very sad news I received yesterday regarding Little Man’s preschool. :(

It’s closing permanently, not to reopen after this quarantine, closing the chapter on 16 years of existence (with many of the same administrators and educators since its inception, no less). I was just heartbroken—and totally unprepared—to hear this news.

Of all three preschools we’ve experienced (each kiddo attended a different one based on moves, etc.), and this one was actually my favorite. I truly felt like, prior to moving here and finding it, that I was like Goldilocks with our preschool experiences: too big, too expensive, too intense, too far away. But this one felt just right.

It was certainly the lowest in stress—in terms of environment, our ease in selecting it, our love of the teachers and administrative staff, the proximity to our house. All of it was just so lovely. And my boy was such a happy camper there, this past year.

It sounds as if this was a decision that was considered prior to the pandemic and its financial implications, but it really was news that hurt my heart. And will obviously lead to more decisions to be made to find a new educational home for him for this one, final year before he’s in elementary school. 


Nobody likes change and there seem to be so many small and large changes coming out of these handful of weeks that the country has been under such extraordinary circumstances.

I pray nightly for peace of mind amidst all the strangeness, and for the health and peace and sanity and financial well-being of so many people out there in the world who are wading through tumultuous times.

And in the meantime, I’ll continue to reinforce the stability of our little bubble, to take joy in the little, Miles-like moments, and to keep on, keepin’ on...until we reach the other side of our new normal.

Over and out. 

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