Sunday, April 26, 2020

Distancing Day 42: Daddy’s Quarantine Birthday!

Well, m’peeps.

We had a lovely weekend of celebrating our very favorite gent in the whole, wide, world.

And if these pics don’t show the love, I don’t know what does. :)

Our second family distancing bday!

This pic slays me. The snuggle love in a Chicklet's pose is beyond precious:

We made Daddy cards and cake (his request of yellow cake with homemade strawberry icing)...

And he stole a piece the moment it was out of the oven, before I even had a chance to ice it, ha. Good thing he was the birthday boy and could do whatever he wanted with his cake. ;)

And when I realized we didn’t have (or couldn’t find) candles, we fashioned some placeholders out of sticks and stickers, hehe.

And the most hysterical and diverting component of our birthday decorations: assembling a homemade birthday banner and a hoard of balloons (that we hid in the girlies’ bathroom last night for safekeeping before the big day today).

The true gift in this particular endeavor was allowing Daddy to chill downstairs uninterrupted for an hour yesterday afternoon while we gamely—and not very quietly—“snuck” around doing all of this, hehe.

The kiddos had a blast thinking they were being sneaky, and they lurved being in on the decorating. :) Chica even made “do not enter” signs and taped them to the necessary doors, hehe.

Then this morning, we confined Daddy to the master bedroom while we set it all up. :)

It really was a lovely, low-key day to hopefully show him an extra-special heaping of love.

And a truly banner birthday, since I managed to think of three gifts for my notoriously-hard-to-shop-for hubby, and they were all winners. Woohoo!

Gearing up my mind and my heart to dive into another week of this now-normal of ours.

It feels like it will be yet another time of transition and strangeness, with many cities lifting certain distancing orders within this particular week, and the start of May signaling the wind down of spring and the great slide into summer.

But our little crew will just take it one day at a time, as always.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Day by day.

Over and out. 

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