Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend—2020

Oh my I type this, we’ve got a pretty solid thunderstorm a-brewin’, and I am not mad at it.

Though I always, always hope people—and houses and trees, and anything not secured to the ground—stay completely safe during inclement weather, I cannot tell a lie: I love a decent thunderstorm.

And this holiday weekend has been full of them—which is actually a little great, as I don’t feel like we’ve had nearly as much rain this season as we did last year. And, let’s be real: it’s not like we have major plans to be out and about, amiright??

Now...I’ll draw the line at the tornado warning that led us to dragging the kiddos out of bed (we were already in the midst of a family sleepover that we planned in advance, knowing the storm might freak them out), and into our shelter location within the house last night (all under the ruse of a drill, so we didn’t freak them out). It did get a little crazy last night.

Aaaaaaand...literally as I just typed that, the most insane streak lightning lit up the entire sky and then thunder full-on crack/boomed with enough drama that I hopped much farther away from the living room windows! Yikes.

So...yeah. A pretty rainy Memorial Day Weekend, but mostly in the evenings. So I got three solid mornings of yard work in (with slightly cooler temps), we went swimming (twice!) between rain breaks, and even managed a bike ride today around lunchtime. And lots and lots and lots of cooking and dishwasher loading and unloading.

So without further delay...some visuals of our weekend. :)

This is my Superman artwork I colored during the sermon on Sunday, hehe. It’s kind of become our tradition during streaming-at-home church to color while we listen and watch. :)

And...we’ve made some super fun progress in the piano/study room this past week or two. It’s ongoing, so I’ll share more when it’s closer to completion, but I’ve been hanging more frames and artwork (still waiting on some custom mats) in the area, and it makes me so happy to finally get them up. :) Also. My house plants are still thriving. Who woulda thunk?

Bike ride (midway point stop) today...

Second round of swimming...

The lemon/caper/dill fish (in some variation) we make at least once a week, ha...


Hope you all have enjoyed a wonderful and probably low-key holiday weekend. It’s been a joy to look around the neighborhood and see so many beautiful American flags. 

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out.

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