Friday, May 29, 2020

Not With A Bang But A Wimper

Well, m’peeps.

We did it.

We completed our school year.

(Pause for a moment of silent reflection.)

And though it should have felt like a MASSIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT and a cause for wild self-congratulation and celebration, it was really just...anticlimactic.

It was not victorious, it was not raucous, it was not met with choirs of angels rejoicing. It was really just a petering out of enthusiasm and assignments over the last couple of weeks.

I mean, Chica’s final classroom Zoom call was quite low-key, and only “attended” by two-thirds of the students, at best. And Chicklet flat-out declined to participate in her final classroom Zoom, and I really couldn’t fight her on it, because I didn’t want to sit through it, either. Oye.

With a day or so to noodle it all over, I’ve come to the realization that our household perhaps didn’t care so much about the official end of school, because not much was super-painful about this last semester of learning (well, at least not painful for them; for me, however...), and not much will change for us, moving forward.

We’ll still be doing school work in the mornings (because they don’t typically fight it, because it will help them from losing what they’ve gained, and because it gives us something to do).

And we’ll still be working in plenty of fun and outdoor play and projects and down time when we feel like being lazy, so...

Business as usual, I guess.

With the added (albeit, massive) benefit of me NOT having to spend a lot of time I don’t have, communicating with teachers about assignments, uploading work, and forcing the kiddos to do anything that isn’t particularly helpful or directed toward their specific learning needs. So basically just getting rid of the superfluous.

Really excited just to dig into our summer vibe, now, and I’m planning to take some time to think about my official “summer intentions.” It was a nice thing for me to do last year, leading into the new season, and a way to make sure we really thought about a way to add some extra fun to the coming months.

So...there you have it. We have closed a major chapter of this unprecedented year we’ve had, but it felt like it would mean more before it actually happened.

But we’re still glad it did. :)

Now, enjoy these symbolic posts of our beautiful sunset last night after another big storm, and then some happy pics of our routine day of learning, projects, doodle and play yesterday.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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