Monday, May 4, 2020

Some Distancing Transitions

Well, m’peeps.

The old school saying is that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit.

And though that estimate has increased in recent years, we’ve still had double that time to acclimate to Daddy working from home. And though I can’t believe I’m saying this, we’ve gotten in such a groove that it’s easy peasy, normal for us. And—dare I say?—even super enjoyable.

So naturally, right as we’d gotten into the best possible groove, things had to change. And when he returned to the office today, it just felt super yucky. :(

His office is instituting a phased approach. Half of the employees will work on site Mon/Wed; the other half on Tues/Thur; everyone will work from home on Fridays. And though I’m grateful he didn’t have to return all day, every day, right away, his exposure and return to the real word definitely gives me a bit of anxiety—especially given all the news coverage of the dangers of states re-opening too soon. It’s like popping open a can you can never seal again.

Of course, like so many humans out there, I’m concerned and anxious over the economic impact of this virus on the world, so I understand the need to eventually find a new normal beyond stay-at-home orders. And, of course, I’m beyond grateful that he’s employed. So I’m definitely stepping back to look at the larger picture.

But it’s okay to acknowledge that this transition phase with take some getting used do—just as the quarantine phase did. And to give ourselves the leeway to have a few emotions related to this new development.

On the hilarious side—lemme tell ya how I felt the watching the hubby get ready for the day and emerge all dressed and put together. I looked down at my pajamas and unbrushed hair and thought, no bueno. The discrepancy can’t be this massive. 

So...I’ve decided on Mon/Wed, I shall dress in real clothes out of solidarity with him, tehe.

Hysterically, when Chica saw me dressed and ready a little bit later, she was super confused, super insistent that it was unnecessary—and then told me I looked like I was ready for a nice meal out, haha. Oh, how our standards have lowered. ;)

So...yeah. That’s our Monday news. Daddy is venturing out, and we’re trying to remember what real clothes look like. And we’re trying to navigate this new normal/next stage of quarantine transition with as much grace and chill as possible. But thank goodness he’s only away from us two days a week...for now.

In other random part of my getting-my-head-straight for the hubby’s return to the office today, I did some major house cleaning yesterday. Lots of bathroom cleaning and sheet changing and laundry folding and floor scrubbing, and...holy tired. But I’m very happy to report that we took the playroom from this:

(That mess was largely due to a giant pile of random LEGOs that was dumped out while I tried to sift through pieces and reassemble any of the broken bits.)

To this:

And the reward was fun Xbox time with Daddy. :) Which is one of the kiddos’ favorite pastimes around dinnertime. It is a raucous (and I mean raucous) good time.

And now, here’s Captain America saying...good night!

Over and out. 

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