Friday, May 1, 2020

Distancing Day 47: Some Endings

Well, m’peeps.

Today was a bit of a blue day for a couple of reasons.

First: stay-at-home restrictions were eased today, and you’d think that would be cause for major celebration, but it just feels a little strange to be entering this new phase—especially considering not much will change with our day-to-day schedule and distance learning requirements.’s just going to be a bit of a mental and emotional adjustment (again!), and I’m just not the biggest fan of all this change and strangeness (understatement much).

Second: as I mentioned last week, we received the very sad news that Little Man’s wonderful preschool is closing its doors for good. Sounds like a handful of compounding factors led to the decision, but the Covid-19 financial crisis certainly didn’t help things.

So today, all of his preschool teachers and administrative staff arranged a little drive-thru farewell. An opportunity for us to pick up the belongings that were still at the school, as well as some adorable artwork the kiddos completed throughout the year. 

And, also, a chance to say goodbye.

I’ve yet to break the news to Little Man that he won’t be returning there next year, as I just don’t think it’s necessary or beneficial at this time to drop that bomb. And I’m hoping that when the time comes for a new preschool situation, it will be easy to position it as a change that was necessary because he’s grown a year older.

So for today, he just knew we were there to say farewell for the summer, and to drop off some teacher gifts to show our appreciation.

Love these sneaky, masked-bandit-with-flower-gift pics. :)

I really adore the beautiful packet of keepsake artwork the teachers assembled, and this final page almost made me cry as I read their list of lovely attributes regarding my boy. Man, I really do not like life transitions.  

So...not the best morning, overall. Just kind of sad, filled with a sense of change and endings.

And then, the third yucky thing happened: Chicklet was participating in a class zoom call, and when they were all discussing their feelings about moving up to first grade, her best little friend piped up on the conference call and shared the news that her family was moving. :(

Now, this is information I already knew, and was quite saddened about. I mean, what are the stinking odds that we move last year, the kiddos have to start over and build their little friendship networks, and then the closet little friend Chicklet just adores had to move?? Ugh.

The positive news is that they are just moving farther out of the city, and not to Mars. But, still. As soon as Chicklet heard the news, she started crying, I gathered her up in my arms to console her and reassure her, and we abruptly bailed on the rest of the zoom meeting. Boooooo.

So, yeah. A trifecta of not-great things today.


It’s Friday, it’s about to be the weekend, we’re going to power through and try to have a better day tomorrow...and we did manage to salvage the afternoon with a handful of we’re-going-to-force-our-happiness-gosh-darn-it activities, ha.

First up...our doodle time was a happy, multi-tiered ice cream cone. And Mama’s smiles were crazy enough for the whole household.

And then a bit later, we painted some rainbows on some rocks we gathered up from our backyard yesterday. 

We plan to drop them off around the neighborhood tomorrow, just to give people a smile. With so many people out walking and biking and exercising more frequently, it might be a nice thing for someone to come across along a road or a sidewalk. :)

And we ate our dinner picnic-style, naturally. ‘Cause why not?

As this seventh week of quarantine comes to a close, this will probably be my last “Distancing Day” post. On to just regularly posting shenanigans (not that there’s a difference behind the title).

Hopefully the change will feel positive in no time, and it won’t feel so weird to slowly emerge from our cocoon.

In the meantime, we’ll be here. Trucking along. Taking it one day at a time.

Over and out.

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