Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday, Science FUN Day: Volcano Eruption!

Well, m’peeps.

We’re two for two!

Last week, we kicked off our made-up-for-funsies-and-learning Monday, Science FUN Day, and the kiddos were so into their Diet Coke explosion that they asked many times mid-week if it was Monday again, yet.

Hype achieved.

So today, I wanted to keep with the explosion fun and make our own little erupting volcanos. :)

I wanted to extend the length of the project a bit by letting them each “build” their own volcanoes for the experiment.

Now, I’ve seen some really crafty peeps who make their own volcano from scratch out of clay or something even fancier, but we wanted to keep it contained enough that we could start and complete the whole shebang in one sitting without having to wait for something to dry.

So...we just gathered three small water bottles and used play dough to wrap around them to build our little volcanoes.

Then when they were finished with their creations, they each spooned some baking soda into their empty water bottle...

And then, separately, we mixed some vinegar, water, dish soap and food coloring into a large measuring cup (for easy pouring), and transported everything outdoors in case it got messy.

(And, yes, we rocked our classy pajamas and lazy-day wear.)

This was easier timing than the nearly-instantaneous Diet Coke experiment. I was able to calmly pour the liquid mixture into the volcano and then step back before it started “erupting.” And the kiddos were pretty pumped to watch the lava flow, hehe.

So, in summary: an easy-breezy round two of experiments that had my kiddos trekking back inside saying, “I love Monday, Science FUN Day.”


Over and out. 

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