Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday, Science FUN Day—Tiny Tornados

So...I’m a little behind in posting this (ahem, eight days, but no biggie)—though in all fairness, we were particularly crazy around our casa last Monday before Nanna’s arrival on Tuesday, so...yeah. Things got lost in the shuffle. And I did also admit to a few catch-up posts this week, so at least I’m staying honest. 

Also, I will fully admit to kind of phoning it in on this science experiment and going for something super simple (again, the craziness of last Monday).

Nevertheless. Fun was had. Tiny tornados were made in bottles. And our arms got a decent workout, swirling the water around. 

Easy steps: fill up a bottle, squirt in a bit of dish soap. And swirl away until you get a tornado to form.

Chicklet actually had the greatest success with hers. Perhaps because of her enthusiastic swirling—or because she likes to turn any experiment with water into her own “potion,” so she kept adding dish soap, and maybe that helped, ha.

Hard to see the tornados through the pattern on the bottle, but I promise they’re in there!

Anywho...tiny tornados last Monday.

And I have hopes of repeating the same kind of thing but on a better and fancier scale, using a couple of 2-liter bottles that we connect and let the water drain from one to the other and form the tornado.

In the meantime...I phoned it in even more yesterday, with another easy Monday, Science FUN Day experiment featuring baking soda.

And I’m sorry to report that it was a FAIL.

It was supposed to be magic beans (or rice or pasta).

We were instructed to fill a glass with water.

Then add drops of food coloring.

Then three teaspoons of baking soda.

And then drop in beans or rice or whatnot of our choosing, and watch as the items “danced” down and then back up in the glass.

And they did not.

They just sank and did nothing.


But I suppose that’s real-life science for ya. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t.

Luckily, we got a very small bang for our buck out of the whole thing, enjoying the fun fizz of dropping the baking soda into the water.

Minor entertainment, but it counts.

So...there you have it.

My slightly boring catchup report on our last two experiments.

I am fully prepared to up the WOW factor big-time for this coming Monday, since these last two were pretty tame. And at least I’m starting my plans early enough to gather or order any supplies I need.

So...stay tuned for something a little more exciting (I hope), along the lines of our exploding mentos/coke and volcanos that were both happy successes.

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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