Friday, July 31, 2020

A Lake Day—Summer 2020

Well, m’peeps.

We’re nearing the end of our annual, July In Oklahoma visit, and we’ve been so fortunate to pack a lot of family time, adventures and downtime in to the past week or so.

And God Bless Oklahoma for gifting these Texans some rain and clouds and gloom that we’ve been sorely lacking in San Antonio! I’ve managed a couple of magical naps and late-morning wake ups, all thanks to the darkness and shade. Halleluiah!

That said, we were grateful the rain cleared out yesterday morning, because it was a day scheduled with for a fun excursion. :)

The grandparents were kind enough to rent a pontoon boat at a nearby lake, knowing how much the kiddos have enjoyed their water time during past summers. 

And after the challenge of sanitizing the boat and any life jackets, etc. that we needed to utilize, it was also any easy way for some outdoor excitement in these times of social distancing.

Not much to be said to accompany these pics, other than the fact that I’m so grateful my kiddos were born with their daddy’s adventurous spirit (at least at their current ages).

I didn’t spend time on the lake as a child, and truthfully, I’m not the most comfortable water girl, in general. So although I appreciate a beautiful pool, or the majesty of the ocean—and heaven knows we’ve made such beautiful family memories in any and all such environments—lakes have never been as close to my heart as the hubby’s.

But my kiddos are equal water lovers, and are so happy to jump in and enjoy anything they are lucky to experience, and that’s enough to make this Mama’s heart very happy.

So I’ll jump in that murky water (when forced) and bump along behind the boat on a tube (when heckled by the hubby), but my TRUE joy lies in seeing the happiness of my babies on lake days like yesterday. :)

Because nothing says summer like a boat and a lake, in the sunshine of a beautiful day.

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