Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lava Love

So...our little family has been having a riotous fun time with a little childhood game that everyone knows and loves. And—bonus—it’s now a Netflix show:

Prior to a few weeks ago, we’d enjoyed some silly rounds of this simple game, just like many other families the world over. We just randomly shout a countdown and give the kiddos only a few seconds to get up off the “lava” floor and to safety. And then they occasionally have to climb to get to a final destination of our direction. 

But when we noticed the show premiering a week or two ago, we thought it would be a really diverting thing to watch as a family, and it’s been golden and thankfully, age appropriate for our whole gang.

It’s the one thing that we’ll all stop everything to do (usually after a meal) and pile up on the couch with pillows and blankets, and enjoy 20-30 minutes of nail-biting, hollering at the screen, and cheering on our favorite teams. It’s so great that our babies are old enough to do this together. :)

And then we took it one step further last week, on the 4th, when we created a special obstacle course for the kiddos in the playroom while they were tucked away during quiet time. And then we blindfolded them and carried them out to their stool positions and revealed their challenge.

They had such a blast that they spent a decent chunk of time thereafter changing up certain parts of the course and then going through it again. And Mama and Daddy were challenged to go through it, as well. Which we totally did. :)

This is truly the epitome of a stuck-at-home, generating-your-own-fun activity, and I’m grateful to have made it a thing for our household this summer.

We’ve only got a couple more episodes before we finish all of them and have to wait for a new season. But I think it’s been pretty popular and is up for renewal, so here’s to more silly, obstacle course family fun to come.

Over and out. 

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