Monday, August 31, 2020

Crossover Learning, Part 1: Wind/Weather

So...despite powering through my fifth migraine in about 10 days (curse you, change in routine and light), it’s been a SOLID Monday.

Solid learning.
Solid playing.
Solid project time.
Solid cooking.
Solid baking.
Solid swimming.

Seriously, all good things, peeps

So when it all goes disastrously downhill from here, remind me of this day when I’m whining and cursing the universe.




Because I have just a teensy-tinsy bit o’ time before my eyelids weigh down permanently with this migraine, I’m gonna attempt to triple post (that’s right—triple post) three awesomesauce crossover learning moments we’ve had in our casa this past week.

I mean, my babies’ brains are firing on all cylinders; really humming along with the start of school. And it’s so fun to see some of our home learning sync up with their (virtual) class work.

Now, heeeeeere goes the first crossover.

Chicklet’s science work this week is centered around weather. And her assignment today involved observations, including as many senses as possible. She loved playing meteorologist/weather person, and took her job seriously.

So imagine the fun when I busted out a beloved Kiwi Crate (one of the final two we had stowed away in the craft closet) for a fun surprise after school hours, only to discover that the subject was WIND. :)

And one of the three included activities involved charting out the weather with reusable stickers. ;)

I mean, could it be any more perfect?? (Imagine that in a Chandler voice.)

But the main fun of this crate was building our own sail-powered car that we had to move with wind energy. :)

They had fun with the oil pastels (because we rarely use them), decorating the sails.

They were a riot, trying out different fan techniques and seeing who could move the car the farthest. :)

And as a bonus—the final project in the crate was making this windsock that we’re going to hang in the backyard tomorrow.

So...yay, for crossover learning and happy, occupied minds.

I LOVE seeing the fruits of our labor grow in school and at home. :)

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Hopefully I can power on with the next crossover post. 

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