Monday, August 31, 2020

Crossover Learning, Part 2: Pigeon/Doodle


Double post night. 

And hopefully on our way to a trifecta. :)

So...these posts are all about beautiful crossover learning moments we’ve experience in our casa since the start of school.

It’s been wonderful to see the spark that some new and different learning can ignite in my kiddos’ brains. I see this dots connecting many times a day, and I know it will only continue. And I feel like it’s something working of mention.


The first crossover post was about Chicklet’s science/weather and it’s connection to a project we completed.

And now this post is about our beloved, original doodle time, and it’s connection to Chicklet’s library time.

Okay, so...let’s go back in time to March. At the start of the official quarantine. When there was this great sense that we were all in this strange and scary boat together, and so many public figures were coming up with really cool, helpful, distracting activities to do at home.

Our major jackpot was finding Mo Willems, the amazing author and illustrator of oodles of stories—and the inventor of lunchtime doodles that kept us SO entertained and connected for a whole month that we were in mourning when it ended and we just had to find another doodle resource (which we did!). of Mo’s very first doodle sessions involved teaching us all to draw the pigeon from his famous book:

Oh, we miss thee!

Here we are, learning to draw our own pigeons:

And here are our final results:

Now, imagine Chicklet’s utter pride and delight during virtual library time last Friday, when the librarian walked the kiddos through all the coolio virtual books available to them. And awed them with the application that turned some of those amazing books into little animated videos.

And can you guess which book the librarian chose as the example??

And can you guess what the optional library/art assignment was??

That’s right.


And the pigeon.


It made my heart so, dang happy to see that Chicklet independently pulled her pigeon out of her drawer while she was watching the library zoom so she could share with her class.

And it made my heart even happier when the library/zoom time was over, and all three of my crazies  insisted on watching the animated pigeon book over and over

And it tickled me pink when the hubby came out of his study and asked them what they were watching. And when they told him it was the pigeon and he looked at them blankly, they were all like, “Da-aaaaaad. It’s MO. From doodles.” Duh

I about feeling like it was quarantine time well spent.

Really warms this Mama’s heart. And makes me so pleased to imagine they’ll have a lifelong connection to this author and his creations. :)

Part 2: Over and Out.

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