Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday Sweats & (Early) Spooks

Oye, oye, oye.

What a RELIEF it was to sleep in today—and during the gloomiest, rainiest, stormiest morning (weather we haven’t had in ages). Seriously, a gift. 

We spent our time before lunch just playing and cleaning the monstrosity that was the playroom. And then, in the afternoon, the downstairs A/C stopped cooling. :(

And it doesn’t need to be said that August in South Texas with no A/C (even during a “cool” day of 96 degrees) is no bueno.

So...we set up fans, called for a repairman (hopefully mañana), and let the kiddos bust out a project after dinner. :)

It was an early little Target dollar bin Halloween project we found when we made a quick stop there on Thursday. And needless to say, we were pumped

It made me laugh that my little nuggets couldn’t wait longer than 48 hours to bust out the paint, hehe.

I know (really, I know) how early it is to be pulling out our Fall and Halloween decor, but I also know (really, I know) how much ding-dang JOY my babies get out of the holidays.

I mean, on the same quick trip to Tarjay on Thursday, we saw the sign up on the seasonal Halloween store, and my crazies went NUTS. The store wasn’t quite open yet—but will be, soon—and they were wildly, enthusiastically THRILLED.

And then, that night, they came home and spent the cutest bit of time after dinner, running around and “decorating” their rooms with simple things they could find and deemed spooky.

Dragons, stuffed animal bats (and a pumpkin and witch that we keep accessible all year) and even owls. Each of the kiddos dressed in costumes (two witches and Mr. Incredible), and they’d even taken hilarious arms and legs from Little Man’s Mr. Potato Head set to put on their shelves as spooky limbs, ha. Oh, and Little Man cleared off everything from his dresser but a Darth Vader figurine, because...spooky. Ha.


And they were so proud of their ingenuity.

And, frankly, so was I. :)

So...yeah. There’s no stopping our oncoming Fall/Halloween enthusiasm. But as always, we’ll keep it contained to the indoors until an acceptable time (like late September, ha).

Here’s hoping for a minimum of sweating tonight in the A/C restored to full blast soon.

Over and out. 

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