Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Monarch Migration!

Holy goodness, did we experience the coolest thing here in San Antonio today. And more specifically, from the playroom windows overlooking our very own backyard!

Basically, I was cleaning up lunch when the kiddos started hollering for me to come upstairs. And I found them adorably plastered to the windows, watching an entire migration of butterflies out the window!

I thought they must be imagining things when they told me, but sure enough, we sat there for half an hour as butterfly after butterfly, after group of frolicking butterflies fluttered past the windows! Literally, it was like our backyard was a highway, and the butterflies were steadily streaming on by.

I kid you not.

More amazing, still...when we had to retreat to bedrooms to continue Zoom learning and school assignments, the butterflies kept on coming. For hours. Seriously.

And they were still frolicking happily by, when bath time came around.

I’ve never seen anything like it. A migratory pattern cutting its path straight through our stinking backyard!

The kiddos were seriously in awe. 

And they already thought our crazy, unkempt, natural lower tier of our backyard was pretty amazing, considering all the animals it attracts, but this just put it over the top. At one point, Chica sighed, “our backyard is magical.” :)

Now, as magical as our property seems to be...these monarchs don’t seem to be isolated to the highway of our backyard. Because we had to get out to run an errand to Target in late afternoon, and there were butterflies everywhere. Like, just flying at our car! And the hubby reported a ton of butterflies on his drive home, too.

So apparently, San Antonio—or perhaps, even more specifically, our North San Antonio location is a hotbed for monarch migratory activity, and it seriously. Could. Not. Be. Cooler.

I’m dying to wake and see if it was isolated to a single day, or if our fluttery friends are still continuing their path South.

Either way, it was seriously amazing.

And Chicklet even used it as her “small moment” subject for her writing assignment today (and please note her stinking adorable use of an ellipses, since that was part of her task for the past few days, hehe. Building suspense!):

We spent a decent chunk of time repeating the word “migration,” out loud, but I still adored it when she recorded a video for her teacher—that she uploaded along with her assignment—and called the event a “butterfly migraine.”


Or one might say, “uhmazing.”


Happy Hump Day, peeps.

Over and out.

P.S. Not one single pic or video I attempted of the amazing butterflies really shows them in action. They’re too fast and tiny! Perhaps I can try again tomorrow...or next year. :)

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