Monday, September 28, 2020

Playground Cure for The Mondays

Man, do I love these crazies.


We got a bit off track after our first school Zooms of the day, when we had to log off and head to the pediatrician for flu shots. (Always fun.)

Then I tried to make up for the needles with a fun, mental health-boosting breakfast at IHOP, since we haven’t been in months and months and months. And it was a little difficult (more on that in another post), but we still had a good time eating out, which we so rarely do.

However. We then returned home to twice as much school work to fit into half the time. Oye.

By lunchtime, both girlies were in meltdown mode—one lasting much longer than the other.

So by 3:15, when we finally logged the last of our assignments for the day, I was just DONE.

But still had a crap-ton to take care of for the day, and needed a boost to get us through the final hours before bedtime.

So...I turned to the one thing that always helps: outdoor time.

And it was especially joyful today, because we returned to our neighborhood playground for the first time since March. :)

Crazy, I know.

But for awhile, it was off limits for anyone.

And then we were a bit paranoid about germs even when we could go.

And then the summer heinous heat kicked in, and it’s never fun to be exposed out there during that time of year. marked our triumphant return!

To say they were PUMPED to be there would be an understatement. And it was a super-gusty day, to boot, which made it even more fun to be out and about—literally feeling the wind in our hair. Running free.

They played hard for nearly an hour. 

And we were all a little better when we returned home for dinner.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: these days are full, and challenging, and rewarding and frustrating. And sometimes the percentage of each of those things is skewed in a way that makes for a rough day.

But we always self-correct when a new day dawns, and I feel like tomorrow will be pretty fun, as we’re tackling a Little Man bedroom project (more on that later). my babies, but I’m hoping for an easier day tomorrow!

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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